Hit the Bar Vs Banus FC

Sunday 7th The first Sunday fixture of the season (rescheduled to allow coverage by Sky Sports) saw Hit The Bar up against second-in-the-league Banus FC. With a threadbare squad, the match was always going to be a tough one. Squirrel was reinstated between the sticks but the previously ever-present Chemist was absent. The match started as they usually do - with Hit The Bar creating chances, scoring goals, saving shots and marking well. However, it all went pear-shaped when Banus FC started to use their sub to maximal effect (the bastards). Needless to say, by the start of the second half legs were getting heavy and runs were not being made. The increasingly injured, and consequently decreasingly mobile, Squirrel could do nothing to stop the late onslaught which gave Banus FC a flattering 14-6 win.
Squirrel - initially the green hair he was sporting did the job of putting off the opposition. Unfortunately, an ankle injury in the second half severely limited his mobility (the QE2 had a faster turning circle) and he was powerless to stop the increasing volume of shots - 6
Nez - a determined performance from the fiery youngster. Showed real passion and made some fine passes, runs and was solid in the tackle, but needs to play with his head a bit more. Tried to keep going to the end but, although the mind was willing, the body was weak. - 7
Ricky Organ - an excellent first-half display capped by a couple of good, team goals. Was always on the look out for the runners although the pass didn't always match the intention. The signs are that match fitness is slowly improving and should be there or thereabouts for the start of the new season. SURERANDOMALITY STARMAN - 7
Dancing - turned up late and took a while to get going. Helped the team keep valuable possession by playing the simple ball out of defence. However, must have left his shooting-boots at home as too many chances to score went begging, especially as tiredness set in. - 6
Owen - a much improved performance on recent weeks. Is starting to pass the ball around well and was caught in possession much less frequently than on previous occasions. If he continues in this trend, could become a valuable member of the team, although fitness still needs some work. - 6

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