Chapter 16
He had a somewhat fitful sleep, and when he was woken by his alarm, the bed looked like it had hosted a wrestling match rather than a night’s sleep. He struggled to find his bearings and to find the location of the alarm that was waking him. It took him a few moments to realise just where he was, and when he did he slumped back down onto the bed.
A couple of minutes later he heard his door click, and wondered who was there, but there was no further sound at the door, and he remembered his brief brief from the night before that the doors were on timed locks. He managed to drag himself out of bed, and went into his bathroom. He spent 30 seconds in the shower, dried and sprayed, and went back into the main room to dress. He wasn’t going to bother shaving, as there was no reason to. He threw on some clothes and as he went to put his shoes on he saw the gun on the desktop. It must have been the one from the small of his back, he couldn’t believe he’d just left it lying in plain sight. When he’d got into his room he hadn’t even considered the possibility that it had hidden cameras, but this morning looking at the gun he couldn’t think of anything else. He opened the drawer to the desk and knocked the gun into it, and then headed for the door. If there was a camera he was already done for, but it was best in the drawer if there were any passers by when he opened the door.
He stopped at the door and looked at the map on the back of it, and took thirty seconds to get his bearings and find the route to the dining area before opening the door.
He had the route to breakfast firmly embedded in his mind, and with one last check that there was nothing showing in his room to raise suspicion he opened his door, stepped in to the corridor and closed the door behind him. He was going to walk off, but thought to check his door before doing so, and turned and pushed the door, and found that he could open it easily. He realised that this meant that the only locks on the doors were the time lock ones that came into force at night. He found this somewhat disconcerting, as it meant that anybody could come along and get into his room and have a look around, and with the guns he had there, it would be better if he could lock his door. However as he made his way to breakfast it dawned on him that it could work in his advantage if all the doors in the complex worked on the same system, and not just those that housed himself and the rest of the hostages.
It took him just over two minutes to make it to the dining area. As he entered the room he stopped to look around the room to see if he could spot Andrea, but the room was pretty much empty with only a couple of people down there before him. He took a seat down on the left hand side of the room near to the buffet area, where most of the breakfast food was set out. He took a plate and went about piling it full of food, trying to get as many different items on as possible. It seemed to him like it had been an age since he had eaten, and was definitely feeling hungry. As he ploughed his way through the food in front of him, he kept one eye on the entrance, looking out for Andrea, and generally watching as other hostages came in to the dining area. The dining area was filling up, but mainly on the right hand side, and as he looked around he could see that there was no one sat within four tables of him. It was obvious that they were still wary of him, and the trouble he seemed to attract.
Andrea came in after about half an hour, and he lifted his arm to attract her attention, and as she saw him she smiled and made her way over. He got himself a second plate of food and then joined Andrea at the table. They asked each other the usual pleasantries about their new accommodation, though it wasn't the most flowing of conversations. He didn't feel quite as comfortable with her this morning, and he couldn't place his finger on why, but a55umed it was because of the whole situation.
"Good Morning ladies and gentlemen," boomed a voice suddenly through speakers, "This is your host speaking. I hope you had a comfortable night's sleep, and that you are enjoying your breakfasts. I'm sure you are all still wondering why you are here and what awaits, and though I would like to tell you now, there are a couple of little issues I need to attend to this morning, and therefore my brief to you will have to be delayed until this afternoon. You have the morning free to wander as you like, use the leisure facilities, or just relax, before lunch is served at one. When lunch is finished then I shall come and introduce myself and tell you all what's going on, so until then, Goodbye."
"What are you going to do?" Andrea asked.
"I'm going for a tour of the facility. Would you like to accompany me?"
"No, I'm still having difficulties adjusting to the time, and I'm going to go and try and relax. I noticed on the plan of the site that there is a steam room and Jacuzzi, so I think I'll head there and enjoy. Are you sure you wouldn't like to join me instead?
He was sorely tempted, as he'd be quite happy to spend some time with Andrea in a Jacuzzi, but he really needed to scope out the site as soon as possible. "No, I'm sorry, but I really need to get this place sussed out a bit first, but hopefully that's an open invitation that I can hold you to at a later date."
"Of course, just come and find me when you want to take it up, I'm in room 115. I shall see you later then?" With this she got up.
"Count on it", He replied.
With this Andrea bent down and kissed him on the cheek and headed off to the door. He watched her leave, finished his cup of coffee and headed for the exit himself, He had some exploring to do.