G Man's Addition to Surerandomality Baker's Dozen Issue


Just a few points about Surerandomality this week. The accusation about G Man's role as a trainer for the women’s Olympic running squad in Poo Na Na's is a completely unfounded spurious rumour. I myself was in the same said establishment and saw events in quite a different light. The way I remember it the G Man was fighting off the attentions of numerous women on the upstairs dance floor before being dragged out to a taxi, bound for a kebab shop in Didsbury. Any sprinting that was done, incidentally, was by Ricky, away from Winston the 7 foot black fella whose drink he spilled!


Secondly I'd like to complain at the poor quality of the jokes which were clearly ripped off from The Royal Family, and some from the school playground (perhaps Mr Wallace send them in).


"Why, when you're sitting in a movie theatre, does it always seem like the lights are dimming?
How do you throw away a trashcan?"

I'm concerned about the commercialisation of the Surerandomality name. Have you sold out to large American multi national since going on line last week? A reminder that we are British and proud and do not want the septic tanks taking over Surerandomality, a national institution

No need for these yank words!

Lastly your website in the top 10 list of fantasy football states that Rudd Van Nistelrooy plays for Newcastle. Much as they'd like him I don't think he'll be leaving for the North East soon unless, that is, you know some thing I don't.


I don't like to have to complain in this manner, as the quality in Surerandomality has always previously been of a high standard. However as a paying subscriber I feel these errors needed to be raised so the editor can address them. If nothing is done I feel more jam will be lost from more peoples doughnuts, and the good name of Surerandomality may be damaged forever.

Yours Faithfully
Bert Meriwether, Woolston, Warrington


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