Me Laird's Addition to Surerandomality The Superfortress
Now then folks, North Eastern/West Coast of Scotland Update!!!
Actually not much to say, except for I RESERVE THE SOFA for the next night out and Sports Day. THIS TIME I intend on being one of the last home and, therefore, do not care if I know the alarm code or not [not that it ruffled many of my feathers last time].
I do have occasional pangs of guilt for having secured Hopalong's membership to the casino (Viva Las Vegas) for a random night out which I guess took place almost a year ago. Having said that, he does make me feel better about my own gambling misfortune, which usually run to being 20 quid down, gutted and walking home. Anyway, trust all are well, have yet to hear how the prospective SARS patient is doing so I guess he is fine in his tent in the back garden of chez Didsbury.
I would update everyone on my activities for the past few weeks, but to be quite honest they would probably bore even the most devout Methodist minister, this weekend does, however, promise to be a great deal messier as I am going to Amsterdam for the weekend, digital camera at the ready.
Finally, an appeal for information, you may remember a few weeks ago the 'TRUE' Blondie won tickets for Justin TrouserSnake's UK concert from Galaxy, I have been trying to get the DAB recording from them so we can all share this moment of Radio history but need the date the piece was broadcast to give the impish albino version of ook at galaxy a chance!!!! Answers on an e-mail please........
Keep smiling..... Me Laird