Hit the Bar Vs Withington FC

Panic surrounded the team, failure to fulfil their last fixture of the previous season saw Hit the Bar owing money and struggling, to get a team for the first fixture of the new season. However a last minute phone call saw their opponents, Withington FC bottle it and wimp out, leaving Hit the Bar to make a deal with Powerleague for reduced payments, and a walkover 10-0 victory to start the season. Start as we mean to go on.
Player Ratings.
Squirrel – Wasted a lot of time trying to get a team only for the opposition to bottle it. Managed to negotiate what would have been £105 pay out down to £45 – 7 SURERANDOMALITY STARMAN
G Man – Had difficulties trying to rally the troops, but stepped in to pay the fees over the phone to prevent any journey to Powerleague – 7
Dancing – Failed to get any joy from operation potato, though willing to step in and pick up Nez and Boots - 6
Nez – Inability to answer the phone all day left last minute decisions to be made. Let off by cancellation. – 6
Boots – The call went out but wasn’t required in the end – 5
Owen & Ricky Organ – Both out of town and therefore jointly this weeks’ POWERLEAGUE POOFTERS – 4

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