Hit the Bar Vs 3rd Eye Wanderers

With Dancing on a business trip in Indonesia, it meant that he picked up the BALI BUM BANDIT award, and Owen wasn’t far behind with another feeble excuse. To say the remaining players weren’t really up for this 10 o’clock start would be a classic understatement.
First half:
An early goal only seemed to spur the very good 3rd Eye Wanderers on, and they led 8-1 at half time
Second half:
More of the same, but Hit the Bar refused to quit when offered the chance by the ref, but the ref still blew early when the score got to 3-20.
Player ratings:
Squirrel – Not in the best of moods as the opposition took the piss, though still made a number of saves. 4
G Man – Got a goal, but not really at the races. 3
Ricky Organ – Probably calmest head, but made no difference. Spent much of the second half trying to stop Squirrel’s head blowing up completely. 3
Turkish – Not a bad performance, but unable to hold the ball up, as we rarely had it. 4
Nez – Not his day, and frustration showed. Somehow managed to get a couple of goals. 3
NB. The more eagle eyed will notice there is no SURERANDOMALITY STARMAN this week, mainly due to the fact that after a performance like this no one deserves one. Especially the blind twat that was reffing, and the Muppet who turned all the surrounding lights off while we were still playing.

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