Surerandomality Staff


Surerandomality’s author and editor is Kev. He is 33 and currently resides somewhere in Manchester. Having moved to Manchester just under 2 years ago after getting divorced, he took a job doing data entry, and he’s still doing it, despite being a trained and qualified IT Technician, with data entry not being very mentally challenging it has allowed his hitherto untapped creative juices to flow and the result of this is Surerandomality. He would love to take up writing full time, and hopes that winning the Nobel prize for literature this year will generate enough interest to gain large advances from publishers to enable this.

Editor's PA

Kimberley Peaches (18) is the latest edition to the Surerandomality staff, having started on 6th January 2003, having scored perfectly on her application form. Her performance in the short time since starting has been nothing short of exceptional. Outstanding dedication to personal duties, and the ability not to be fazed when things get on top of her, make her an asset that makes you want to come to (at) work.

Post Room Staff

Ethel Woodside (83) is currently working part time opening and sorting the weekly postbag. Not a great talker, she has only said 12 words since starting work back in November 2002.

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