Hit the Bar Vs Shera
Oh how the mighty have fallen. This report needs no preamble, no build up, Hit The Bar were awful. No excuses, they had seven players against Shera's five, and they were humiliated. Six goals from Shera in either half, without a single one in reply, saw a final score of 13-0 (the ref can't count). HTB would have fared better had they not turned up. The main factor in Shera's success was the performance of their keeper. The only person that was going to score while he was playing was his bird, who was mighty impressive up front. Thanks to an outstanding performance, their keeper sets a precedent in being the first member of the opposition to score SURERANDOMALITY STARMAN.
Squirrel - Very average, made some good saves but let in a few soft goals too. Gets the GIRLY GOALIE award - 4
G-Man - Back from injury but made little impact. Shares the JOBLESS GYPPO award - 4
Nez - Lots of huffing and puffing but nothing to show for it. Gets the other half of the JOBLESS GYPPO award - 4
Turkish - Back from a lengthy absence, he looked rusty and had lost some sharpness. Picks up the SLUGGISH SLAG award - 4
Dancing - Ran around a bit and had a few half-hearted shots but ended up with nothing more than the INEFFECTUAL IMBECILE award - 4
Wes - At times can be a hit and miss player, and was a big miss tonight. Claims the OFF-TARGET OAF award - 4
Ricky Organ - Was this his last game for HTB?? At the start of the week it was looking like his move down south was done and dusted but rumours have it that his excessive wage demands (he was asking for more than £2.50 per week) have cooled interest from the southern club. For the time being he is still a HTB player, but tonight he was poor and collected the TRANSFER TRANNY award - 4