Surerandomality Baker's Dozen Issue


Welcome to Surerandomality Baker’s Dozen Issue. Another tip top weekend, with a level of carnage to outdo anything achieved so far this year. Friday saw the release of Becky from hospital in the early afternoon, and another step on the road to full recovery. Meanwhile the evening saw Squirrel, G Man, Ricky and Hopalong sat around watching the Sheffield derby, before breaking the habits of a lifetime by going somewhere different and ending up in Po Na Na for a soul and funk night. Hopalong left early, as it wasn’t really his scene, and he seemed to have had the jam taken out of his doughnut by being there. The remaining 3 remained til kicking out time, but G Man seems to have found his vocation in life. He stepped up to the plate to talk to a girl, and it was another attempt at the land speed record, as she (along with her friend) rushed from the dance floor. After the Jabez incident a couple of weeks before, there is a real job opportunity for the G Man as a trainer for the women’s Olympic Athletics squad. Place him behind the start line and watch them run in order to get away quickly. It could also be adapted to the throwing events as well. He could stand just beyond the line marking the world record, and watch the records tumble as they try to hit him. On the way home Ricky managed to scare a 19-year-old girl on the bus, with his normal line of drivel, to the extent that she went and stood with the driver for the rest of the journey. Saturday involved lots of lounging and a trip to the fancy dress shop for costumes for the evening’s party. Hopalong and Mary went out for a meal, and Squirrel, G Man and Ricky got ready. Squirrel dressed as a schoolmaster, Ricky went as a policeman, and G Man went as a convict. On arrival it was obvious that the main uniform for females was school uniform (Wallace would have been in his element), and it has to be said there were some seriously sexy looking schoolgirls. Ricky was a bit apprehensive about introducing the Squirrel G Man random factor to his work colleagues. This caused him to get lured into and locked in the garage with an Essex girl (and this after submitting the Essex girl jokes that appeared last week). Despite being locked in the garage with her for 2 hours, and then in a bedroom for 7 hours, he claims that he failed to get his spunk passport stamped. Meanwhile G Man was engaging in his best training schedule. After talking to Kim for a couple of hours he went to get a drink and she disappeared (went to bed – but he didn’t know that) he was later spotted all over some woman in scrubs, though when he was momentarily distracted by Squirrel, she made good her escape into the kitchen. As a final attempt, he tried following Rachel and Leanne to their room when they said they were going to bed, just to be told; “Just go away!” Unsurprisingly the last two up and about were Squirrel and G Man, who finished the night off by having a 15 minute cushion and truncheon fight, before collapsing to go to sleep, which was repeatedly distracted by further outbreaks, and finished completely at 10 by some of the early to bed early to rise party goers. When Ricky eventually surfaced (it has to be said that Ricky felt like a twat because he might have ruined things with the foxy young thing from his office) they went to Pizza hut, and then spent the rest of the day watching football, dodgy movies and American Football. Monday evening saw more movies being watched and Squirrel using some of his more autistic abilities to do a jigsaw. The week amazingly enough saw no further midweek outings, and it also saw the second complete week on the trot at work by G Man, which is something of a record since he was taken on a permanent contract. Furthermore Squirrel still hasn’t had a drink! Yes mate you told us, BUT, Basically here it is.


Don’t forget, for all things surerandomality get yourself on the web an to the only site that matters, just click to link to get going, and then add it to your internet favourites.

Commiserations to the family of Mrs April Edwards, of St. Leonard’s, East Sussex, who tragically died at the weekend after the candles on her birthday cake set fire to her curtains and she was trampled in the rush to get out of the burning house. As our eldest reader she will be missed.

We urgently need readers to write in and let us know who the eldest living reader is now that old Mrs Edwards has snuffed it.

Commiserations to Andy Wallace who in the never ending chase for teenage flesh, found himself taking a lady boy home at the weekend.


Amanpreet was pissed, to say the least, when Judi told him another car had backed into hers, damaging the fender. He was mad that she didn't get the license plate. Well, Judi, DARLING, he hissed, what KIND of car was it that hit you? Pecker, I don't know, she cried, I've never been able to tell one make from another. Well, Amanpreet decided right then and there he was going to teach his bride how to tell the difference between makes and models of cars. For the next two weeks, as they were out driving, Amanpreet would point out a car and have Judi identify it. After one last day of driving, Judi got 'em all correct and he thought she'd, from now on, be able to identify a car. A week later, Judi came bursting into Preet's office, beaming from ear to ear. Sweet Pecker Boy, I just hit a Chevy!

There was a group of scientists and they were all sitting around discussing which one of them was going to go to God and tell Him that they didn't need him anymore. Finally, one of the scientists volunteered and went to go tell God he was no longer needed. The scientist says to God, God, you know, a bunch of us have been thinking and I've come to tell you that we really don't need you anymore. I mean, we've been coming up with great theories and ideas, we've cloned sheep, and we're on the verge of cloning humans. So as you can see, we really don't need you. God nods understandingly and says. I see. Well, no hard feelings. But before you go let's have a contest. What d'ya think? The scientist says, Sure. What kind of contest? God: A man-making contest. The scientist: Sure! No problem” The scientist bends down and picks up a handful of dirt and says, Okay, I'm ready! God replies, No, no. You go get your own dirt.

There are 100 nuns in a nunnery. One day the Mother Superior calls an emergency meeting. Nuns she says, a terrible thing has happened. I have found a condom. At the news 99 nuns went Oh no! and 1 went Ha ha ha ha. If the Arch Bishop ever found out he would close us down! the Mother Superior said. Once again 99 went Oh no! and 1 laughed. It gets worse,” the Mother Superior continued, It was used! Again, 99 went Oh no! and one laughed. To top it all off, the Mother Superior finished, It had a hole in it! This time 99 laughed and one went Oh no!!!

A man asked his wife, What would you most like for your birthday? She said, I'd love to be ten again. On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and off they went to a theme park. He put her on every ride in the park, the Death Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear. Everything there was, she had a go. She staggered out of the theme park five hours later, her head reeling and her stomach upside down. Into McDonald's they went, where she was given a Double Big Mac with extra fries and a strawberry shake. Then off to a movie theater, more burgers, popcorn, cola and sweets. At last she staggered home with her husband and collapsed into bed. Her husband leaned over and asked, Well, dear, what was it like being ten again? One eye opened and she groaned, Actually I meant dress size.

A nervous young minister, new to the church, told the flock, For my text today, I will take the words, 'And they fed five men with five thousand loaves of bread and two thousand fishes.' A member of the flock raised his hand and said, That's not much of a trick. I could do that. The minister didn't respond. However, the next Sunday he decided to repeat the text. This time he did it properly, And they fed five thousand men with five loaves of bread and two fishes. Smiling, the minister said to the noisy man, Could you do that, Mr. Perkins? The member of the flock said, I sure could. How would you do it? asked the minister. With all the food I had left over from last Sunday!

A lawyer had successfully handled a difficult law case for a wealthy friend. Following the happy outcome of the case, the friend and client called on the lawyer, expressed his appreciation of his work and handed him a handsome Moroccan leather wallet. The lawyer looked at the wallet in astonishment and handed it back with a sharp reminder that a wallet could not possibly compensate him for his services. My fee for that work, acidly snapped the attorney, is five hundred dollars. The client calmly opened the wallet, removed a one thousand dollar bill from it, replaced it with a five hundred dollar bill and handed it back to the lawyer with a smile.

What happened to you? asked the bystander to the man lying on the sidewalk outside of the beauty parlor. The man shook his head groggily and rubbed his bruised chin. Last thing I remember was my wife came out of the beauty salon. I took a look at her and said, 'Well, honey, at least you tried,' and then it was lights out . . .

There was a loser who couldn't get a date. He went to a bar and asked this one guy how to get a date. The guy said, It's simple. I just say, I'm a lawyer. So, the guy went up to a pretty woman and asked her out. After she said no, he told her that it was probably a good thing because he had a case early in the morning. She said, Oh! You're a lawyer? He said, Why yes I am! She liked the idea and they went to his place. When they were in bed making love, he started to laugh to himself. When she asked what was so funny, he answered, Well, I've only been a lawyer for 15 minutes, and I'm already screwing someone!

An old Jewish man was once on the subway and he sat down next to a younger man. He noticed that the young man had a strange kind of shirt collar. Having never seen a priest before, he asked the man, Excuse me sir, but why do you have your shirt collar on backwards? The priest became a bit flustered but politely answered, I wear this collar because I am a Father. The Jewish man thought a second and responded Sir I am also a Father but I wear my collar front-ways. Why do you wear your collar so differently? The priest thought for a minute and said Sir, I am the father for many. The Jewish man quickly answered, I too am the father of many. I have four sons, four daughters and too many grandchildren to count. But I wear my collar like everyone else does. Why do you wear it your way? The priest who was beginning to get exasperated thought and then blurted out Sir, I am the father for hundreds and hundreds of people. The Jewish man was taken aback and was silent for a long time. As he got up to leave the subway train, he leaned over to the priest and said Mister, maybe you should wear your pants backwards.

Q. Did you hear about the blonde coyote? A. It got stuck in a trap, chewed off three legs and was still stuck.

It's a beautiful, warm spring morning and a man and his girlfriend are spending the day at the zoo. She's wearing a cute, loose-fitting, pink spring dress, sleeveless with straps. He's wearing jeans and a T-shirt. The zoo is not very busy. As they walk through the ape and gorilla section, they pass in front of a very large hairy gorilla. Noticing the girl, the gorilla goes crazy. He jumps up on the bars, and holding on with one hand (and 2 feet), he grunts and pounds his chest with his free hand. He is obviously excited at the pretty lady in the dress. The boyfriend, noticing the excitement, thinks this is funny. He suggests that his girl teases the poor ape some more. The man suggests she pucker her lips, wiggle her bottom at him, and play along. She does, and Mr. Gorilla gets even more excited, making noises that would wake the dead. Then the man suggests that she let the straps fall to show a little more skin and cleavage. She does, and Mr. Gorilla is about to tear the bars off his cage. Now try lifting your dress up to your thighs and sort of fan it at him he says, This drives the gorilla absolutely crazy and now he's doing flips. The man then grabs his girl, rips open the door to the cage, flings her in with the gorilla and slams the cage door shut. Now, tell HIM you've got a fucking headache!

An elderly couple who were childhood sweethearts had married and settled down in their old neighborhood and are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They walk down the street to their old school. There, they hold hands as they find the old desk they'd shared and where he had carved I love you, Sally. On their way back home, a bag of money falls out of an armored car practically at their feet. She quickly picks it up, but they don't know what to do with it so they take it home. There, she counts the money, and it's fifty thousand dollars. The husband says, We've got to give it back. She says, Finders keepers. And she puts the money back in the bag and hides it up in their attic. The next day, two FBI men are going door-to-door in the neighborhood looking for the money and show up at their home. They say, Pardon me, but did either of you find any money that fell out of an armored car yesterday? She says, No. The husband says, She's lying. She hid it up in the attic. She says, Don't believe him, he's getting senile. But the agents sit the man down and begin to question him. One says, Tell us the story from the beginning. The old man says, Well, when Sally and I were walking home from school yesterday . . . The FBI guy looks at his partner and says, Let's get out of here.

An inflatable pupil goes to his inflatable school and is having a really bad day. Bored in his history lesson, he gets up and walks out. Walking down the corridor, he sees the inflatable headmaster walking towards him and he pulls a knife out and stabs him. He runs out of the school. As he gets outside, he thinks again I hate school and pulls his knife out and stabs the inflatable school. He runs off to his inflatable home. Two hours later, his inflatable mum is knocking at his inflatable bedroom door with the inflatable police. Panicking, inflatable boy pulls out the knife and stabs himself. Later on that evening, he wakes up in an inflatable hospital and sees the inflatable headmaster in the inflatable bed next to him. Shaking his deflated head, more in sorrow than in anger, the headmaster gravely intones: You've let me down; you've let the school down, but worst of all, you've let yourself down.

To get more jokes then go to the web site at


A couple of items that have caught my eye this week.

Hernando County (Fla.) Sheriff's Deputy Neil Sullivan was reading the paper and saw an article about the first baby born in the county this year. He recognized the father's name - David Jose Orama, 23, who was wanted on an arrest warrant. Sullivan drove to Spring Hill Regional Hospital and arrested him. He did not resist, a spokesman said. He knew we were looking for him. Before the arrest, Orama and his girlfriend were considering calling the newborn boy Darie Newyear. - How to keep a low profile in easy lessons, lesson 1. Sure to be more during the year.

Police in Queensland, Australia, say a 37-year-old woman decided she was too drunk to drive, so she told her 5-year-old son to steer while she worked the pedals. The five-year-old was on her lap steering the car, an investigator says, when it went off the road, hit a tree, and ended up in a field. The woman, the boy, and another son were all injured in the crash. - More outstanding thinking from the Aussies. Two lessons at one time. Learn how to drive, and learn responsible adult behavior.


Here’s this week’s random reviews

Watch out for the video and new single by TATU – All the things she said. These east European lesbians, have been creating a stir with the video to their catchy debut single. Just in case you haven’t seen it yet, it has them dressed as schoolgirls (what is it with being dressed as schoolgirls this week), standing inside some kind of compound, in the pouring rain, kissing and touching each other, whilst various adults look on. The song isn’t bad either, and is out on Monday.

This week, we delve into foreign film again, with the action comedy Taxi. With Scooter look-alike Sami Naceri in the lead role, this French film set in Marseille follows the link up between a speed mad taxi driver, and a hapless police computer expert, who not exactly Mr Current Affairs, on the trail of Mercedes driving German bank robbers. Lots of lunatic driving, some quite funny dialog (even if you do have to keep up with the subtitles), and some dumb ass stunts, it’ll keep you amused for an hour and a half. 4/5


First of all the answer(s) to last week's question. The answer was Clive Allen managed to score 49 goals in a season for Tottenham in the 1986-87 season (probably more than we can get in total now days). There were a record number of correct entries this week, and the first one drawn out of the hat was Mr. David Carrington, of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, who wins the years subscription to World Soccer

For this week’s competition, what is the link between the 1970’s kid’s musical Bugsy Malone, and the 1990’s cult classic, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels? The prize this week, is a year’s subscription to Total Film magazine. As usual, and just to clear up any misunderstandings, the winner is the first correct entry drawn out of the hat on a Wednesday morning, and not the first correct entry to arrive. Send the entries to the normal addresses through the normal channels.


(…Continued from two weeks ago. For the story to date check out the website at

He was born on 12th August 1969 in South Philadelphia’s Methodist Hospital, the son of a Methodist preacher, and a social worker. He was an only child, and as he later came to find out, he wasn’t planned, and certainly wasn’t expected, with both his parents being well into their 40’s. The contrast between his parents was strange to behold. His father was a very pious man, who believed in a strict puritanical upbringing, and insisted upon a Methodist school education, which somehow never came to being, and still believed that children were to be seen and not heard. On the other hand his mother was a very warm and open woman, who brought the empathy and consideration required by her job into the home life, and allowed him to talk about anything to her. He often wondered what had brought them together as they were totally different people, with different tastes and hobbies, and it seemed little in common, yet despite this they seemed content with each other, as if they balanced each other off.

His father was a preacher at the Tindley Temple United Methodist Church, on South Broad Street, and for the whole of his life he had lived in the same area, even when moving out to live by himself when he went to university he lived either on or just off South Broad Street, and even now he rarely went out anywhere else in the city.

From an early age he attended the church’s Sunday school, which thankfully wasn’t taught by his father, but was instead taught by a sweet little old woman called Mrs Price. As a small child he had a lot of time with sweet old ladies. Both of his grandfathers had died before he was born, but his grandmothers made up for this by doting on him, much to the obvious disgust of his father, who quite often would accuse them of mollycoddling him. They wouldn’t pay any attention to that, and with great regularity would remind his father that he was their only grandchild and therefore they would spoil him whenever they wanted to.

He started pre-school at The Philadelphia School, a non sectarian independent school, which although not being a Methodist school, his father had no qualms about sending him to. This was mainly down to the fact that it’s reputation, both academically and from a disciplinary point of view was outstanding, and his father couldn’t have the same disdain for a non sectarian school that he showed to any of the non Methodist Christian faiths. Most of this was directed at what his father called “The Catholic Devils”. It was in fact this point that was the main (and probably only) cause of tension in the household, as his only aunt (his mother’s sister) had done the unthinkable many years ago, and had converted to Catholicism and become a nun.

His early schooling set the pattern that seemed to follow for much of his life, in so much that he made acquaintances very easily, and very rarely had cross words with anyone, but by the same token never really had what he would call friends, the ones that you would tell everything, and spend all your time with. In truth it had never bothered him, and he hadn’t even considered that this was unusual until he was at university.

While in 2nd grade his father’s side grandmother had died, and he was quite sure that this was the only time he had ever seen his father be really upset. It didn’t really affect him as a child, he didn’t understand why he should be upset, all he knew later was that he missed the kindly old woman. Meanwhile his schooling was going well. He was above average in all subjects, but it was maths that he excelled at, it all came so naturally to him, he found that numbers were interesting, and would quite happily sit there playing with numbers for hours. At the same time he also loved to read, and was always well ahead of his reading age, he could read novels from an early age, going to his mother with any difficult words, but he preferred to read factual books, and therefore gain knowledge. This marked him out as a strange child amongst his peers, but it didn’t lead to the normal animosity that could be expected by children of that age.

(To be continued, probably next week, or possibly the week after….)


Sherlock Holmes never said Elementary, my dear Watson.

More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes.

The term, It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye is from Ancient Rome. The only rule during wrestling matches was, No eye gouging. Everything else was allowed, but the only way to be disqualified was to poke someone's eye out.

To get more random facts then go to the web site at


Why can't dogs smile?

Why, when you're sitting in a movie theatre, does it always seem like the lights are dimming?

How do you throw away a trashcan?

To get more random facts then go to the web site at


Lethal Weapon (adj.).

Similar in length and feel to a trilogy, but just when you think you are finished along comes an unexpected and gut wrenching fourth part.


It had to end, just as things were going so well, the slide has stopped, and has actually reversed, with both The Cherokee Hair Tampons and Cartman’s heroes going up the table this week. Meanwhile the gap at the top is only 4 points, and with 6 players the same on both Relegated by Christmas and Shhoooooottt!!!! It is going to remain close, with both teams having scored the same amount of points so far this month. It’s coming up to the time for transfers, with all transfers having to be in before kick off a week from tomorrow (that’s Saturday 1st February for those of you who aren’t exactly Mr Current Affairs).

To keep up with the action, view the teams and do all kinds of random shit to do with the fantasy football then go to the web site at

Annual Table
Position Team Name Points
1st Relgated By Christmas 1115
2nd Shhoooooottt!!! 1092
3rd Free Transfer XI 1074
4th The Cherokee Hair Tampons 1059
5th Bonus FC 1052
6th And Sergei Rebrov Wins The Golden Boot 1050
7th Heald Place Harriers 1020
8th Steps Into Jansen's Ring 977
9th Nottingham Saints 952
10th SMB Arsenal 939
11th Big Unit's Cherries 915
12th Wednesday Wannabies 912
13th Helen Chamberlain's Body Stocking 874
14th Geordies On Top 874
15th Premiership Rejects 857
16th Cartman's Heroes 853
17th Maine Road 1923-2003 833
18th Banjo Wielding Strikers 786
Upto and including 22nd January


The postbag is once again absolute lunacy, and there have been problems with the e-mail system this week as it struggles to cope with the sheer volume of correspondence sent in by you busy little bastards. Thankfully my new PA has now learnt how to open e-mails, and hopefully she will have mastered reading them by the end of the week. The response to the Rex Appeal is still going quite well, with quite a few donations this week, and not all of them have been toothpaste money off vouchers. The grand total for the appeal now stands at £585.17, 24 second 19 First class stamps, 98 euros, $17.76, 10 drachma, 28 Yen, 247 Australian dollars, 5 Krugerands, 32 Luncheon Vouchers, 71 Green Shield Stamps, £13.50 in postal orders, £15 worth of Argos vouchers, £20 worth of Specsavers vouchers and £1420 worth of HMV money off vouchers, thanks to all those that have contributed, and please keep those donations rolling in. We are also awaiting a tax refund on all materials used so far in the Rex appeal.

Still all quiet on the Rex front, but rest assured any news we get will be passed on right here.

The reviews for the new Surerandomality website have also been rolling in this week, and I would like to include a few of them.
"....A fantastic site....this may well revitalize the dotcom industry...." - Piers Montagu, Wall Street Journal
"If only I'd thought of it first....I am looking forward to the IPO" - Martha Lane Fox, CEO,
"..we are currently in discussions aimed at making this the latest addition to the Easy franchise...." - Stelios Hadjiou, Chairman, EasyJet
"...Squirrel has done for random thinking what St Paul did for Christianity..." - Hank Anderson, Newsweek
"Insightful and thought-provoking. A work of true genius" - Susan McDonald, The Times

Needless to say there has been major feedback from France this week after my unbiased evaluation of their decision to consider a boycott of Surerandomality in support of the Germans doing the same. I have had complaints from many quarters on this issue but really don’t care what the fuck Germans or French think, and if they want to boycott Surerandomality then fine. However some have said that the French have only agreed to a boycott for protection! From What? Ze Germans?

In addition to this I have received a letter from regular reader Kolin Nolting of Manchester, who writes “As a German and a Jew (Jesus wept, what a fucking combination) I must protest to the constant belittling of the Germans, and then to top it off there you were poking fun at Jews in your story time. I must say that this leaves a nasty taste in my mouth after reading the rest of your excellent publication.” Mmmm, German, sense of humour failure, unusual that.

Sidney Unit is officially public enemy number one after his little tirade last week, I haven’t received so much hate mail over one subject ever, and I have done to only reasonable thing, I have forwarded all on to Mr. Unit himself, and will continue to do so. If it is possible could everyone writing hate mail directed at Mr Unit, please send it to the special redirect address in the footer notes. Thanks

Yet again writes, and this is the last time I’m going to have anything further to do with this particular issue. Finally, no you can’t have Andy Wallace’s snail mail address. Seek legal guidance, if you wish to take this any further, I have tried to help, but I can do no more, stop e-mailing me with this. Thanks.

What is the world coming to, after 10 weeks or wrangling, Mr Perrin, now thinks that surerandomality is the best thing going, and due to IT facilities at Lincoln Prison is going to be reading it religiously every week, in fact it has also proved popular with his fellow inmates, so much so that I’ve been inundated with requests for subscriptions from Lincoln Prison. At least I’m safe with the knowledge that if they’re already inside then I can’t warp their little minds any further.


Well, another Friday, another random location picked out from the pages of Metro, or possibly the Manchester Evening News, plus a normal dirty Saturday night. Yet again Squirrel will be pitting his wits against the temptations of being out and not drinking, though he claims that it gets easier each week. All the normal lazing around, sport watching, recovery time, and game playing, with the weekend culminating with the Superbowl from 10.30 on Sunday night. Whatever happens you just know it’ll get messy, with or without a trip to the casino (Viva Las Vegas), just don’t mind the dogs. See y’all next week.

To unsubscribe from surerandomality then please send an e-mail to naming all the Earl’s of Leicester and I’ll think about it. To view the surerandomality website then click on the following link, or type the address into your Internet browser If you wish to make contributions to surerandomality then send them to the same address. Births, Marriages, Deaths and other important messages also considered. If you know someone who deserves to receive this shit then let me know. If you would like to receive back copies of surerandomality then please send a cheque or postal order for £6 per issue ordered made payable to Surerandomality UK to the following address Surerandomality UK, PO Box 007, 57b Nevik Boulevard, Upper Little Hampton, Westmorland. AK47 7UP. If you wish to donate to the save Rex appeal then please send donations to the same address, BUT made payable to Surerandomality Rex Appeal. Please note that our Registered Charity Number is 248163264. Mail Bombers, please address all explosive packages as “Editor – Private and Confidential” as you wouldn’t really want any of the insignificant little helpers to get hurt, would you? All hate mail for Sidney Unit to be addressed to Hate Mail, PO Box 187 at the normal address. All legal challenges should be directed to Surerandomality’s lawyers. S. Crude S.C. Harper, PO Box 666, 18 Giants Causeway, Upper Little Hampton, Westmorland, AK47 5AM.

TOTAL = 10


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