Covering the period Wednesday 24th
December to Thursday 8th January
The top ten allergies in the
1. Dust Mites
2. Pollen
3. Pets
4. Milk
5. Eggs
6. Nuts
7. Shellfish
8. Drugs
9. Latex
10. Chemicals
The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away
The light of a hundred stars doesn’t equal the light of the
hardest thing to do is to disguise your feelings when sending a large crowd of
visiting relatives home.
Kruger (n).
A scary hand job from a woman with extremely
long fingernails. A Freddy.
A few stories that you may have missed in the
last fortnight.
Nit picker
Maurice Roberts, 50, has set up a spotter’s club in
An irate woman
arguing with her husband hurled all his possessions out of their second floor
window, including his dog. As the 35 year old, named only as Walter L, left
It is as
unlikely as sending coals to
A burglar who
downed half a bottle of whisky got so drunk he climbed into bed naked with his
victims. The thief, 28, drank the scotch then stripped and clambered into a
couple’s double bed and fell asleep. The police were called and they arrived to
find him still out cold. - I’ve known some tits in my time, but
none as stupid as this one.
An honest, but
forgetful motorist has finally paid a 60p parking fine – 38 years late.
Blonde of the
fortnight was won by Karen in a very slow fortnight.
Happy birthday
to Karen, who is 31 on Friday.
Best wishes to
Becky, who is still recovering in hospital in
Welcome to
2004 to everyone, may it be a good year for you all.
Welcome to
Surerandomality Welcome to 2004. The party season is now officially over, there
are just a couple of things that need to be said, although it is a good period
for going out, it isn’t so good for my health or bank balance. Not only that
but all the extra days off just make me lazy, and it’s been a struggle to write
anything this time round. Not only has the additional nights out taken it’s
toll on spare time, but the purchase of the new Tiger Woods game has seriously
reduced any time to do anything. I’m a busy little bastard at work, and it’s
got round to being a last minute rush again. Anyway there is an issue, and
there are the 2003 awards to look out for, plus another new section from Schott’s
Miscellany. Yes mate you told us, BUT, Basically here it is.
Wednesday 24th
December (Christmas Eve) – The Chemist made his way home for Christmas, which
left Squirrel to his own devices and after getting out of work early he made
good use of his time by heading to Fallowfield early, and got a few in the
Great Central, before heading over to the friendship, where he later met up
with Kate and Kev, and consumed large amounts of alcohol, before managing to
get home some how.
Thursday 25th
December (Christmas Day) – A quiet day all round, with recovery time and lots
of random film watching, and playing with decks.
Friday 26th
December (Boxing Day) – More of the same except replace films with sport.
Saturday 27th
December – Hopalong sneaked back to
Sunday 28th
December – Early AM and guess who wakes in the chair in the Chez Didsbury
lounge? If you said Princess Leia you need your head looking at, however if you
said Chewbacca then you were a lot closer. With more football than you could
shake a stick at, what did the Chemist find when he got back mid afternoon?
Loud music and Tiger Woods.
Monday 29th
December – Doh, back to work. Ricky Organ arrived back, and Hopalong dragged
himself back to Chez Didsbury. Drinking started early in the evening, and
within a couple there was big talk of going out. Squirrel, Hopalong and Ricky
Organ were definitely up for it, but the Chemist wasn’t convinced, and despite
cajoling, begging, violence and threats, held firm, and left the trio to head
into town. Brannigan’s was the somewhat random destination, where cheap drinks
led to ordering taxis for the Chemist. They hit the dance floor, where Ricky
Organ managed to attract a munchkin, that he brushed off. On closing time they
went to get Hopalong’s coat, but found it impossible due to the fact that
someone had collapsed on the stairs and everyone was waiting for the ambulance.
In the meantime Hopalong decided he was going to abuse the biggest honey
monsters he could find, but found that they had lots of friends and so ended up
having to talk to them. On leaving Brannigan’s they looked for somewhere else
to go, and Fantasy Bar was decided on. They got another taxi number and ordered
another taxi for the Chemist. The fantasy bar was closed, so they headed to
Teasers, and got turned away. The bouncers suggested that Long Legs might be
open. They flagged a taxi, only to be told that Long Legs shut at 11 as well,
despite this they made the driver go past it. Home was then the venue, however
Fallowfield kebab shops called, and kebabs were bought, and Hopalong abused the
server. Then another flagged taxi, where Hopalong abused the taxi driver, and
as the trio exited at home, they were advised that they would be remembered.
Once back at Chez Didsbury they banged the music on loud, and Ricky Organ tried
to get the Chemist out of bed by prodding him with a golf club, and eventually
Tuesday 30th
December – Who’s bright idea was it to go out on a Monday? Squirrel, Hopalong
and The Chemist all suffered all day at work, while Ricky Organ did fuck all at
home all day, which would explain why he was so keen to go out the night
Wednesday 31st
December (New Year’s Eve) – Tiger Tiger was the suggested location, and Ricky
Organ, Hopalong, the Chemist, Jayne, Dancing and Dec were amongst those who got
tickets and went. Squirrel meanwhile refused to pay £25 for a ticket, and went
to Fallowfield instead, and started off in the Great Central, before heading to
XS. Tiger Tiger was getting messy quickly, with Jayne feeling worse for wear
Thursday 1st
January (New Year’s Day)– Recovery, somewhat unsurprisingly. Hopalong went to
Gemma’s and for some bizarre reason everyone else watched Legally blonde
Friday 2nd
January – Doh, work again, except for Ricky Organ, Hopalong went round to
Gemma’s in the evening, and Jayne came round. Tiger Woods and late nights
Saturday 3rd
January – Lots of sport on TV, Hopalong went round to Gemma’s in the evening,
Squirrel headed to Fallowfield, with a quick stop in the Great central, before
quite a few in The Friendship, where he bumped into Kat, Nat, Emily and Esther.
Meanwhile Ricky Organ and The Chemist headed into Didsbury, for a cultured
evening in The Pitcher and Piano, and the Slug and Lettuce. Meanwhile Squirrel
was back in XS, consuming the normal mix of alcohol, and doing the normal
amount of dancing, before the obligatory trip to Abdul’s and a taxi back to
Chez Didsbury, where Ricky Organ was still up watching the American Football.
Sunday 4th
January – Half seven and Squirrel goes to bed, eventually gets up for some of
the football, and the overall level of movement in the house was minimal, Jayne
was round for a bit, and the night was polished off by the spectacular darts
Monday 5th
January– No Monday night football, meant shit TV and no movement. Ricky Organ
went out for a drink with Melvin.
Tuesday 6th
January – Hopalong went round to Gemma’s, and Jayne was round for a bit,
leaving Squirrel and The Chemist watching football.
Wednesday 7th
January – G Man eventually returned from his trip to the states and the
Thursday 8th
January – Hopalong was lounged on the sofa suffering from going out the night
before. G Man was looking forward to a quiet night recovering from his jet lag
after a torturous first day back at work, but that illusion was shattered when
Amanda rang and summoned him round to hers. The Chemist, who had joined the gym
the day before, actually went to the gym. Ricky Organ was working late.
Below you will find the 2003 Surerandomality awards. Under
no circumstances will I waste my time explaining the reasoning behind any of
these awards. If you don’t know what they’ve been awarded for then you’ve not
been paying attention over the last year, so basically, unlucky.
The “Stella
Live” event of the year – Chez Didsbury Barbeque.
The “Tone
Deaf” Karaoke anthem of the year – Jungle Brothers – Because I got it like that
The “Dancing
Bear” dance anthem of the year – The Prodigy – Out of Space
The “Bryan
Adams” Waking up the neighbours’ award – Squirrel
The “Sunken
Battleship” award for most alcohol (total volume) consumed – Hopalong
The “Pavement
Pizza” puking champion of the year – G Man
The “Armitage
Shanks” award for mistaking a girlfriend as a toilet (1) Pissing - Seeks
The “Armitage
Shanks” award for mistaking a girlfriend as a toilet (2) Puking - Hopalong
The “Thomas
Cook” award for Suitcase Packing (1) When pissed – G Man
The “Thomas
Cook” award for Suitcase Packing (2) With Puke – The Chemist
The “Good
Charlotte lifestyles of the rich and famous” award for most countries visited –
Ricky Organ
The “Dennis
Norden, It’ll be alright on the night” award for least successful date -
The “Anne
Widdecombe” award for biggest minger pulled – Wes
The “David
Attenborough” award for what species pulled? – G Man
The “It’s good
to talk” best comedy misdial / text at
The “Fuck off
Santa” award for most embarrassing moment at a work do – G Man
The “Ray
Stevens – The Streak” award - Seeks
The “Eminem
Guilty Conscience” award – Hopalong
The “I know a
shortcut” most torturous route home from
“David Bailey” where’s my camera missed photo opportunity award – Anyone, on
the Names have been changed to protect the innocent night.
The “Red Light
District” award for getting warned off a patch – Kate
The “Gill’s
Taxis” are you sure this is a cab award - Becs
The “Kronk’s
Gym” best punch bag award – G Man
The “Keith
Gillespie” gambler of the year award – Hopalong
The “Ernie,
Fastest Milkman in the west” award for outstanding timekeeping (1) Accidental –
The “Ernie,
Fastest Milkman in the west” award for outstanding timekeeping (2) Purposely –
Ricky Organ
The “Dog ate
my homework” award for most original excuse for being off work – G Man for A
Cricked Neck
The “Domestos”
Blonde of the year award – Blondie
The “Star
Spangled Banner” award – Shared by Ricky Organ and Nick “Art Garfunkel” Varner
The “Couldn’t
score in a brothel” award for pulling – Squirrel
The Chemist (50 minutes into the film) – I’ve just worked out why it’s called Legally Blonde.
It’s chucking out time at Brannigans, and there is a crowd at the top of the stairs preventing access to the cloakrooms and toilets.
Hopalong – What’s the hold up?
Random person – Someone’s collapsed on the stairs.
Squirrel – So? Just step over him.
E-Mail conversation. Squirrel has just forwarded a holiday update from G Man.
Hopalong’s reply – Friggin’ hell – how long’s he there for – do we know yet?
Squirrel – He’s put “Back Wednesday” in the e-mail.
Hopalong – OH, I though he meant back Wednesday (for the second division title).
Friday 9th January – Thursday 22nd January – In
possibly some of the most unplanned, unfocused weeks in living memory, the only
known activities are a couple of 5 a side games, and that’s always assuming the
opposition can be arsed to turn up. Elsewhere the post festive season lack of
money kicks in, and I can see very little activity. Sorry, but my crystal ball
ain’t so crystal clear for this fortnight and that’s all I can come up with.
The new year has started off the same way as the last one
finished, with bone idle staff, too many letters who shouldn’t be given access
to pens paper of e-mail, and more shit to deal with than the Scarisbrick toilet
after a Rusholme night. I’m getting to old and tired to stand on ceremony, so
let’s start the show.
First up is a Mike Westwood, from
This week’s foreign correspondence comes from a Jose
Cueurvas from
Once again a mix up in the postal services has meant that we
have received a letter to Santa, and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to get
it in print here.
“Dear Santa, You must be surprised that I’m writing to you
today, the 26th of December. Well I would very much like to clear up
certain things that have occurred since the beginning of the month, when filled
with illusion, I wrote you my letter. I asked for a bicycle, and electric train
set, a pair of roller blades and a football kit. I destroyed my brain studying
the whole year. Not only was I the first in my class, but I had the best grades
in the whole school. I’m not going to lie to you, there was no one n my entire
neighbourhood that behaved better than me, with my parents, my brothers, my
friends, and with my neighbours. I would go on errands, and even help the
elderly cross the street. There was virtually nothing within reach that I would
not do for humanity. What balls you have leaving me a fucking yo-yo, a lame
whistle, and a pair of ugly socks. What the fuck were you thinking, you fat
prick, that you’ve taken me for a sucker the whole fucking year, to come out
with some shit like this under the tree. As if you hadn’t fucked me enough, you
give that little quaff across the street so many toys that he can’t even walk
into his house. Don’t let me see you trying to fit your big fat ass down my
chimney next year. I’ll fuck you up. I’ll throw rocks at those stupid reindeer
and scare them away so you’ll have to walk back to the fucking north pole, just
like what I have to do now since you didn’t get me that fucking bike. FUCK YOU
SANTA. Next year you’ll find out how bad I can be you FAT COCKSUCKER.
Sincerely, Little Johnny.” I take it he wasn’t a happy little camper then.
A Britney Groves, from
Meanwhile a C Ashcade, from South East London, whines, “They
say that if you play country music backwards, your wife comes back to you, and
you get your house and dog back. Now here’s the problem, I never had a dog.
He’s black with white paws. Anyone know who he belongs to?” A couple of things,
what the fuck are you doing listening to country and western anyway, and if
it’s playing backwards it might suggest there’s something wrong with your
And coming straight to you from a psych ward is Andrew
Roberts from
That's it for the letters for this year, BUT there will be
more in two weeks time. BUT, only if you’re lucky.
awoke to find that the controllers were serving food. He had no idea of what
time it really was, or where in the world he was. He started to take off his
sunglasses, wondering why he had them on in the first place, only to quickly
replace them back over his eyes. The sleep had made him forget just how bright
it was on the plane. His mouth had that dry, stale taste that always seemed to
follow sleep, and he would be glad of any drink that came with the food.
When a controller brought
his food to him, he looked at it in a state of amazement. This was no ordinary
airline meal, but he remembered, this was no ordinary flight. The first thing
no noticed was the tray. No miniscule plastic effort, it was a full sized metal
tray, with large handles, like the kind of tray you saw in movies when kids
struggled to bring breakfast in bed to their mothers on mother’s day. Not only
that, but it was the perfect fit across the arms of his seat, and when he put
it down he felt a slight pull on it, as some magnetic force held it firmly in
What was on the tray was
even more amazing. To the left sat a large plate, with what looked to be a
large well done T-bone steak, thick fries, and onion rings, and fresh from
whatever they had been cooked in, as he could see the steam rising from the
food. Alongside were a number of sachets of various condiments, all of which
would compliment the meal. On the right side of the tray sat a plate with a
large piece of apple pie, and again, steam was rising from it, and next to it
sat a jug of custard, with a lid on it. Then in the corner sat a twenty ounce
bottle of Pepsi. He doubted whether he could have come up with a better
selection if he had taken the time to choose what he wanted before hand.
A brief look around told
him that people had different meals, and therefore told him that each passenger
had been catered for separately. It was probably based on information that had
been extracted from them some five years before, or even from being observed
over time by unseen watchers. The strange thing was that he wasn’t surprised by
that. It was just another part of the awesome planning that had gone into this
His mind came back to the
present and he started on the food and drink, which was just as good as it
looked. In what seemed like just a couple of minutes he finished off the meal
and sat back sipping from his bottle of Pepsi. He noticed a couple of
controllers, sat on fold down chairs, eating what seemed to be regulation
airplane food, off grey plastic trays, and he managed to suppress a laugh. It
made him feel strangely good, that even though they were in charge, they
weren’t being treated as well as the passengers.
He sat there not really
doing anything, just letting himself relax. Time slipped by, and what seemed
quite soon, the controllers were coming
round and collecting up the mainly empty trays. He kept the bottle of Pepsi, as
there was still some in it, and there was no telling when there would be
anything else to drink.
Although it is normally seen as a boring
pub sport, the World Dart’s Championship (PDC version – the one with the good
players) final was three hours of top class entertainment. Phil “The Power”
The average
life of a taste bud is 10 days.
The human
eye has more than two million working parts and blinks some 4.2 million times
per year
The human
nose can differentiate between 10,000 smells and odours
Started in 1068, all of the original
Castle buildings have disappeared or been replaced over time, the only part
that remains is the Castle Motte, which is accessible from the
Over the years the defences were
rebuilt and the timber fences were replaced by a stone wall. In the bailey as
well as the general buildings, a great
hall was built from around 1070, and in 1107 the
The Castle itself fell into
disrepair and was eventually demolished at some stage during the middle ages.
Built in the 15th century
this gateway was badly damaged by fire in 1445/6. The timber work in the
current gateway, and the adjoining Castle house, that can be seen today, date
from the renovation work required after the fire.
Originally the rooms above the
gateway continued across and were joined to St. Mary de Castro’s church,
however this part of the building was demolished in 1848. To the other side of
the Castle house stands a further building which, is now part of Castle house,
and was added in the Georgian style in the 18th century.
This gateway connected the Castle to
the Newarke. It was built in 1423, and had a portcullis, the signs of which can
be seen today. It is also known as Rupert’s gateway, named after Prince Rupert,
who based himself in Leicester during the Civil war, however the gateway
survived the civil war due to the fact that fighting during the siege of
Leicester took place some 150 yards away from the gateway. The poor state of
repair that can be seen today is actually due to damage caused to it in an
election riot in 1832.
The Great Hall was originally built
just after the Castle was started in about 1070. It was originally built with
stone walls and no roof. The roof was added later onto the great oak aisle
posts in about 1150. The roof was later replaced in the early 16th
century, but the original post survive, and must have been growing as oak trees
at the time of the Danish invasion of
It is likely that on at least one of
the 3 occasions that parliament met in
The Great Hall survived the
demolishing of the rest of the Castle, probably because it was used at the
local court. In the late 1600’s a new brick frontage was put onto the building,
and is the frontage which can be seen today..
The hall itself was separated in to
two separate courts, one used for criminal cases and one for civil cases., and
were used as such right up until 1992, when new courts were built and ‘power’
transferred to them. Part of the reason for this is that the Great Hall itself
had become too small to hold all those waiting for cases, and the narrow roads
and gateways into the Castle courtyard made it more difficult for the modern
vehicles necessary to get in and out.
John of
Gaunt’s Cellar
The medieval cellar is all that is
still there of the original stone kitchen / chamber at the south of the great
hall. However the building that is above the cellar has long since disappeared.
The cellar is named after John of Gaunt, 2nd Duke of Lancaster,
however it was built over 200 years before he came to be resident at the
December 30th.
Born – 1975 – Tiger Woods
Died – 1992 – Ling Ling (1st Panda that
Event – 1965 – Ferdinand Marcos becomes president of the
Event – 1987 – Robert Mugabe elected premier of
Saint's Day – St Barnabas
January 4th
Born – 1949 – Bernard Sumner (New Order)
Died – 41AD – Caligula
Event – 1642 – King Charles I attacks English Parliament
with 400 soldiers
Event – 1981 – Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper is
Saint's Day – St Rigobert (Robert)
First up the answer to the last competition, Liz Hurley played the female hijacker in the film passenger 57?. The winner of a Copy of the Passenger 57 on DVD. is a Martin Mandle, from Maersws, Mid Wales. Meanwhile this fortnight's quiz is as follows, According to 2000 figures, which European capital is the 58th most populated city in the world with a population of just over 4 million. The first correct answer out of the hat on Wednesday 21st January wins
A man is laid up in hospital, his
nurse by his bedside. “hey, give me a kiss,” he asks. “No” replies the nurse,
“I will certainly not.” “Go on,” pleads the man, “just one kiss.” “No” insists
the nurse, “I’ve told you already, I won’t.” “Don’t be such a spoilsport,” says
the man, “just give us a kiss.” “I’ve told you already, no” replies the nurse,
absolutely adamant, “I shouldn’t even be wanking you off.”
A couple are driving down a country
road, not saying anything to each other after an earlier “discussion” had
gotten out of hand, and neither was willing to concede their position. As they
pass a farmyard of pigs, the wife pipes up, “Relatives of yours?” “Yep,”
replies the husband, “The in laws.”
A doctor of psychology id doing his
normal evening rounds. He enters a patient’s room, only to find his subject
sitting on the floor, sawing at a piece of wood with his hand. At once he also
notices another patient in the room, hanging from the ceiling by his feet.
“What’s going on here?” enquires the doc. “Can’t you see?” huffs the patient,
“I’m sawing this piece of wood in half.” “I see, “ says the doc, “and what
about him up there, hanging from the ceiling?” “Oh, he’s my best friend, but
he’s a little crazy,” shrugs the saw man, “thinks he’s a light bulb!” “If he’s
your best friend,” questions the doc, “don’t you think you should tell him to
get down from up there before he hurts himself?” The man stops sawing, “What,
and work in the dark?”
A young Jewish mother walks her son
to the school bus corner on his first day of kindergarten. "Behave, my
bubaleh" she says. "Take good
care of yourself and think about your mother, tataleh! And come right back home on the bus, schein
kindaleh. Your Mommy loves you a lot, my
ketsaleh!" At the end of the school day the bus comes back and she runs to
her son and hugs him. "So what did my pupaleh learn on his first day of
school?" The boy answers, "I learned my name is David."
This guy was sitting in his
attorney's office. "Do you want the bad news first or the terrible
news?" the lawyer said. "Give me the bad news first." "Your
wife found a picture worth a half-million dollars." "That's the bad
news?" asked the man incredulously. "I can't wait to hear the
terrible news." "The terrible news is that it's of you and your
Albert Einstein arrives at a party
and introduces himself to the first person he sees and asks, "What is your
IQ?" to which the man answers "241." "That is
wonderful!" says Albert. "We will talk about the Grand Unification
Theory and the mysteries of the universe. We will have much to discuss!"
Next Albert introduces himself to a woman and asks, "What is your
IQ?" to which the lady answers, "144." "That is
great!" says Albert. "We can discuss politics and current affairs. We
will have much to discuss!" Albert then goes to another person and asks,
"What is your IQ?" to which the man answers, "51." Albert
ponders this for a moment, and then says, "GO REDSKINS!"
"Can you explain to me how this
lipstick got on your collar?" the suspicious wife sneered. "No, I
can't," the husband replied. "I distinctly remember taking my shirt
A young single guy is stranded on a
deserted island. As he washes ashore, he sees a women passed out in the sand.
Able to perform CPR on her, he saves her life. Suddenly, he realizes that the
woman is Cindy Crawford. Immediately, Cindy falls in love with the man. Days
and weeks go by, and they're making passionate love morning,
A man walked up to an attractive
girl on a busy street and said, “Excuse me, I seem to have lost my wife, do you
mind if I talk to you for a while?” “How’s that going to help?” asked the girl.
“Well,” replied the man, “every time I start chatting to some good looking
woman, my wife seems to turn up.”
The new primary school teacher was
on playground duty one morning when she spotted one of her class making faces
at a little girl. “Now Johnny,” she told him gently, “when I was your age I was
told that if I made an ugly face it would freeze and I would stay like that
forever.” “Well miss, “ replied Johnny, “you can’t say you weren’t warned!”
Why did the man cross the road? Cos
he heard the chicken was a prostitute!!
How does a man show that he is
planning for the future? He buys two cases of beer.
Why don’t women blink during
foreplay? They don’t have time.
Yet again,
the question about last year’s fantasy league being rigged has surfaced, with
the third placed team claiming he was conspired against and that last year’s
winner was given extra points to ensure that the Cherokee Hair Tampons couldn’t
win. Let me state for once and for all that this was not the case, and if
anyone would like to go through all the details for last year then they can
have all the details and quite happily sort through them to check. Furthermore,
the allegations were made by someone who wasn’t even in last year’s
competition, and who despite being a temporary resident of Chez Didsbury at the
end of last season at the time of the alleged irregularities, proceeded to
enter a team for this year’s competition.
Annual Table |
Position |
Team |
Points |
1st |
Allstars |
906 |
2nd |
Tip Top Team |
899 |
3rd |
Cherokee Hair
Tampons |
888 |
4th |
Misfits |
871 |
5th |
Shhoooooottt!!! Again |
847 |
6th |
& Destroy |
836 |
7th |
Fucking |
831 |
8th |
The Arsenal
Arse Bandits |
826 |
9th |
Magpie City
FC |
819 |
10th |
Wannabes |
803 |
11th |
Westside XI |
794 |
12th |
Andy |
792 |
13th |
Full Gun
Lollipops |
765 |
14th |
Nic |
757 |
15th |
Champions |
739 |
16th |
No use for a
name |
737 |
17th |
Owen |
721 |
18th |
Requiem For
A Team |
715 |
19th |
MUP(pet)S |
711 |
20th |
Russian Gold |
709 |
21st |
The World's
Smallest Violin |
693 |
22nd |
Shit or Bust |
650 |
23rd |
Nez |
630 |
24th |
Unidumpers |
580 |
25th |
Robo's So
Solid Army |
509 |
26th |
Boys |
444 |
Upto and Including 7th January |
Wednesday January 7th
Athletic tried to wriggle out of action with an early Monday call, trying to
get the game rearranged to
Scoring Chart. Nez 4, Dancing 2, The Chemist 1, G
Man 1
Team |
P |
W |
L |
D |
GF |
GA |
PP |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
21 |
5 |
0 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
19 |
6 |
0 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
8 |
7 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
17 |
26 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
12 |
22 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
7 |
18 |
0 |
0 |
TBA Ashton
Athletic TBA
Founded |
1892 |
Professional |
1892 |
Admitted to
the League |
1893 |
Names |
- |
Nickname (s) |
Reds , Pool |
Ground |
Anfield |
Capacity |
45,362 |
Grounds |
- |
Seasons in Each Division |
1 |
89 |
2 |
11 |
3 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
Trophies |
Champions |
1905-06, 1921-22, 1922-23, 1946-47, 1963-64, 1965-66, 1972-73, 1975-76,
1976-77, 1978-79, 1979-80, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84, 1985-86, 1987-88,
1989-90 |
Division 2
(new Division 1) |
1895-96, 1904-05, 1961-62 |
FA Cup |
1965, 1974,
1986, 1989, 1992, 2001 |
League Cup |
1981, 1982,
1983, 1984, 1995, 2001, 2003 |
Shield |
1966, 1974,
1976, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1988, 1989, 2001, and shared in 1964, 1965, 1977,
1986, and 1990 |
League Super
Cup |
1986 |
European Cup |
1977, 1978,
1981, 1984 |
Fairs Cup (UEFA) |
1973, 1976,
2001 |
Super Cup |
1977, 2001 |
Synopsis – Founding |
Founded in 1892, by John Houlding, the Landlord of Anfield, after
a dispute with the then tenants Everton, who left for pastures new. Liverpool
FC was founded to play at Anfield, and have been there ever since |
Synopsis - Major Events |
Elected into the league in 1893, they
quickly became a major club, and have spent the majority of their life in the
top flight. The first ten years they were a bit of a yo-yo club, but apart
from that there is only an 8 year spell in the fifties where they haven’t
been in the top flight, and from the mid seventies they went through a
fifteen year spell that made them the most successful club in English
football, and during that time, in European football as well |
Synopsis - Recent times |
Since 1990 they have failed to win the league, and that is seen as
failure by the |
Synopsis - Strange facts. |
Went unbeaten in the 1895-96 season when winning the second
division. They have won the League Championship a record 18 times. They have
won the league cup (in its various guises) a record 7 times. They have
qualified for European football more times (31) than any other English club. |
Premier League Record. (upto the end of the 2002-2003 season) |
Home |
Away |
P |
W |
D |
L |
GF |
GA |
W |
D |
L |
GF |
GA |
Pts |
430 |
130 |
51 |
34 |
413 |
183 |
77 |
59 |
79 |
291 |
266 |
731 |
Position Finished each year of the Premiership |
92-93 |
93-94 |
94-95 |
95-96 |
96-97 |
97-98 |
98-99 |
99-00 |
00-01 |
01-02 |
02-03 |
6th |
8th |
4th |
3rd |
4th |
3rd |
7th |
4th |
3rd |
2nd |
5th |
Each fortnight we bring you a random dag from Belle Vue, and
a few words of wisdom that have been written about it.
Gambling Cash
Climbs in the pecking order for his A5 victory last weekend.
Lurks with intent. Thereabouts at the final bend he’ll take some stopping.
Find the homepage for the website at
For everything to do with the fantasy football then go to
the web site at
NEW For everything to do with the 5 a Side
then click on the web site at
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To get the full version of the main story go to the website
To get rid of the annoying pop up messages go to
and download and install the free version onto your PC.
To see how many of you there are in the country go to and type in your name.
To see random anonymous people make random confessions then
go to and read.
The Surerandomality album has finally been pressed, the artwork has been finished, and the first copies went out in time for Christmas. In fact demand has been so great that a second run may be needed. The track listing is as follows, Spandau Ballet – Gold, Sabrina – Boys, Electric Six - Danger High Voltage!, Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows, Good Charlotte - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Tenacious D – Tribute, The Breeders - Cannonball, The Coral - Dreaming of You, Electric Six - Gay Bar, Elton John - Are you Ready for Love, TATU - All the Things She Said, Junior Senior - Move Your Feet, Skee Lo - I Wish, Blapps Posse - Don't Hold Back, Jungle Brothers - Because I Got it Like That, NWA - Express Yourself, 50 Cent - In Da Club, NERD – Lapdance, Prodigy - Out of Space, Alcazar - Crying at the Discotec. The cost is a measly £5.
Back Issues available at the very reasonable price of £1 per issue.
A bumper edition of the First year’s editions is also available at £30.
Official Rex golf balls in association with Titleist at a stunning £2 each or £20 for a box of 12.
Coming soon will be a range of T-Shirts featuring all the regular stars of Surerandomality at very reasonable prices.
A new section in which businesses, goods and services that have come highly recommended or have coughed up the dough to advertise, get a mention.
TAXIS. Gill’s Taxis. A small locally based firm. Contact number is 07986 800 857 or email for advance bookings on
KEBABS. Abdul’s, pick one from any of
four locations along the
WHORES. Pandora’s (allegedly). Above Karma in Fallowfield.
BEER. Pubs are normally good for this.
FIGHTS. Outside XS from 2.15am any Saturday or Sunday morning.
E mail contributions to or
Postal address is,
Mail Bombers, please address all explosive packages as
“Editor – Private and Confidential” as you wouldn’t really want any of the
insignificant little helpers to get hurt, would you?
All legal challenges should be directed to
Surerandomality’s, no good to me alive lawyers. S. Crude, P. Iston & S.C. Harper,
Squirrel hot line 0781 645 8542.
Thanks to the following for their contributions this
fortnight. H, Seeks, Blondie & Ricky Organ.
TOTAL = 19