Covering the period Friday 6th February to
Thursday 19th February
A few stories that you may have
missed in the last fortnight, though it has to be said, if you actually tried
reading the newspapers then you might actually see them first time round.
A man called 911 from
his cell phone inside an electronics store in San Marcos, Calif., to complain
the store's clerk refused to return his credit cards. San Diego County Sheriff's
deputies found at least one of the cards were fake. Michael Broome, 20, who had
made the call, was arrested, and two other men from what they called a
"sophisticated" identity theft ring have also been arrested. The trio
face multiple felony counts, including conspiracy, burglary, grand theft,
identity theft, possession of stolen credit cards and manufacturing fraudulent
credit cards. - Tits, but they obviously didn't have special Dutch
A survey of Britons
found that 65 percent couldn't name the city that the musical
"Chicago" was set in. And 57 percent could not name the locale of the
popular TV show "Dallas", 64 percent don't know where the French Alps
are, and 70 percent don't know where the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is
based. But don't conclude Britons only focus their sights close to home: 66
percent don't know what city the popular Roger Whittaker song "Streets of
London" refers to either. - And 68 percent of people i have to
deal with couldn't find their arse with both hands.
Dwight Steidel was
sitting at a red light in Allentown, Penn. When it turned green, the car in
front of him didn't move -- the driver was chatting with a pedestrian on the
sidewalk. "I rolled down my window and told him to move or pull
over," Steidel says. "He immediately began to curse at me. I believe
he did not know I was a police officer." Steidel, who was driving an
unmarked police car, pulled the man over. The driver, Rico Cordero, was driving
with a suspended license. And he was carrying cocaine and a large amount of
cash. And the car he was driving was stolen. - This guy makes the previous tits
look like professionals.
A man of 75 who
married a dog to bring him good luck died three days later. Plulram Chaudhary
was following an ancient custom which says anyone who re-grows teeth must take
a dog as his bride. - And you though I’m a celebrity was
being held in Australia.
A customer stripped
naked outside a bank in a protest over its metal detector. Antonio Coghetto set
off the security device every time he tried to go in the building. He said, “I
took off all my clothes, my boxers, everything.” The alarm still went off when
he tried to go in. Police in Brazil arrested him for indecency. - Security
guards, eh, what jokers. Hey, watch what this guy does if I press the buzzer
every time he walks through here.
Blonde of the
fortnight was won by Blondie, in a sparkling return to form
Happy birthday to The
Chemist, who is 24 on Tuesday.
Seeks’ Elastic Band
Ball has been kidnapped. He would be grateful for any information that might
lead to its return. So if you have any then please let me know.
Advance warning of
the next Surerandomality venture out. This time it’s not a Friday night, this
time it’s a Saturday all dayer on February 28th doing the infamous
Didsbury Dozen. Yes people it’s less than a week away
Welcome to
Surerandomality The Tottenham Double. Busy little bastard week, Busy little
bastard weekends, and then a quiet week. What does that lead to? Well,
basically, this fortnight’s issue, and don’t forget to check out the TV
listings on page twenty three to see what coming up in the next couple of
weeks. Yes people, it’s the opportunity you’ve all been waiting for, it’s the
next Surerandomality venture out. This time it’s not a Friday night, this time
it’s a Saturday all dayer on February 28th doing the infamous
Didsbury Dozen. Trust me, the amount of times this has been mentioned and not
done is unreal, but finally it’s on. Starting at midday at The Didsbury, and
moving on through at least eleven other pubs, the next Surerandomality event is
not for the faint hearted. As usual there will be crash space available, book
able in advance through the usual channels, so clear out your diaries and get
to Manchester. Yes mate you told us, BUT, Basically here it is.
A legend to those in the South Manchester area, the Didsbury
Dozen is a legendary pub crawl, which, somewhat unsurprisingly takes in twelve
Didsbury pubs. However there are many different ideas to what pubs make up the
Didsbury Dozen, but it’s generally felt that the poncy café bars such as Est,
and Café Rouge shouldn’t be included. Then there is the school of thought that
it should be a straight line crawl all the way down Wilmslow Road, and then
there is the school of thought that thinks that the two pubs at the south end
of Didsbury (The Didsbury and Ye Olde Cock) are too far away from any of the
other pubs, and that two just off the Wilmslow Road in the centre of Didsbury
(Pitcher & Piano, and the Fletcher Moss) should be included instead.
Therefore to stop any arguments, both routes will be covered, and all 14 will
be included in the Didsbury Dozen. (And before you start Squirrel, yes
technically that would make it the Didsbury Fourteen.) The route and the timings
are as below. Please note that the extended amount of time in pub 1 is to allow
for food to be partaken in first, and the slight additional time for pub 2 is
to allow for the trek from there to the third pub.
Ye Olde Cock Inn 848
Wilmslow Road 11.30, Breakfast
The Didsbury 852 Wilmslow Road 13.00
The Crown Wilmslow Road 14.15
The Royal Oak Hotel 729
Wilmslow Road 15.00
The Fletcher Moss 1
William Street 15.45
The Pitcher and Piano 1D
School Lane 16.30
The Nelson 3, Barlow Moor Rd 17.15
The Clock Tower 700
Wilmslow Road 18.00
The Dog and Partridge 667
Wilmslow Road 18.45
O'Neills 655-657 Wilmslow Rd 19.30
The Hog's Head 653a
Wilmslow Rd 20.15
The Pear Tree 653 Wilmslow Road 21.00
The Station, 682 Wilmslow Road 21.45
Slug and Lettuce 651
Wilmslow Rd 22.30
As you will see from this, it is a nice steady pace, and
will therefore allow for a late venue to finish the night off.
Right, there are rules and shit for this. Females, get to
drink, well basically whatever alcohol they like, whether it’s a half, a
bottle, wine, or a spirit mixer, hell if they want to they can do pints. Males,
1 pint per pub, whether it be lager, bitter, Guinness, or cider. None of the
Female drinks are available. If you want to drink anything listed under the
Female list then you can, as long as you come in a dress or a skirt and are
wearing make up. This is to stop some jokers from starting on pints , and then
moving onto spirits after about 4, and then complaining about how long it’s
taking to drink up. Yes Me Laird, I’m looking in your direction with that one.
Next, there is a steady pace for a reason, and therefore it
is only one drink per venue. No getting a few pints in the first few pubs and
necking them at record pace before running out of steam at pub 8 and going onto
Vodka Red Bull. Yes Hopalong I’m looking at you.
Furthermore one drink per venue applies to spirits, shots
and shooters. This is to prevent lunatics getting everyone chasers in each pub,
and having everyone completely ratted by pub 6. This also includes getting
shots for yourself only. This time I’m looking at you again Me Laird, but
especially you Squirrel. The object is to get everyone to the last pub, not to
see how many people you can make puke.
Unfortunately, I am left with little option apart from to
declare that the official timekeeper for the event is Squirrel. When he calls
next pub, it will be officially time to move on. I can see some worried faces
on that news, but he has promised that he will not walk into any pub down his
pint in one and scream next pub, and that he will actually behave himself .
Friday 6th February –
In another planned quiet night, Squirrel got back to Chez Didsbury, and
announced to the audience of The Chemist, G Man and Amanda that he was meeting
Hopalong for a couple in the Parrswood. Hopalong arrived from a stop at the
Clocktower, and during their stay at the Parrswood, managed to cane Squirrel at
pool. They jumped into a waiting taxi, and let a bloke with Alzheimer’s share
it, before getting out in Fallowfield, only for Hopalong to realise that he’d
left his wallet in the car. However a call and some lying to the taxi firm saw
it’s delivery back, and then allowed entrance to XS, where needless to say
things got very messy, before kebab and home, where Ricky Organ was still up
playing on his laptop.
Saturday 7th
February – After a quiet day, during which Hopalong had gone out with Gemma,
the evening came, and Ricky Organ was out with Jayne. The Chemist was attached to
the sofa, and Squirrel and G Man headed into Didsbury and the Dog and
Partridge. Dodging rain they got to Fallowfield and the Great Central, where
they met up with Amanda and after a few drinks there they headed into town with
the intention of going to Funkademia. However the queue encouraged them to go
in Font for a few first, and after a few in there they came out and headed back
to Chez Didsbury. Once back Squirrel finished the tequila, while attempting a
viewing of tank girl. Needless to say sleep came before the end of the film.
Sunday 8th
February – A Sunday game, broke up a day of watching sport, and once back from
five a side, an old favourite of the Sunday night film genre, The Wicker man,
was the evening’s viewing.
Monday 9th February –
It’s at this point that you realise that perhaps this section should be written
on a day by day basis, as at the end of a fortnight, events have blurred into
one, and you can’t quite pinpoint what happened when.
Tuesday 10th February
– Same as above, but there was definitely some football watched.
Wednesday 11th
February – Football, both of the watched and played variety. G Man, after a
half day from work, and a drinking session had to meet up with mummy and daddy
G, and try to appear sober while at Old Trafford.
Thursday 12th
February – I did know this when I started writing this section, but I’ve
forgotten now, no hold on, Crap TV and Ricky Organ to his next destination on
his world tour, this time Nice.
Friday 13th February
– Yeah of course we believe you Squirrel, you’re not going out. With G Man off
to Essex with Amanda for the weekend, The Chemist met Hopalong in the
Parrswood, and were later joined by Squirrel after a late finish at work. The
Chemist headed back after a couple, and Squirrel and Hopalong headed to the
Clocktower, where they met up with a few of Hopalong’s work colleagues, and the
tequilas started. For a change on a Friday XS was the final destination, where
they saw Becky, and more tequilas followed, as did dancing, and then the
obligatory trip to Abduls.
Saturday 14th
February – Hopalong was out of the traps early to meet Gemma in the Parrswood
to watch the derby game. Wes struggled over to Chez Didsbury to watch the game
after a heavy night in 42nd Street to find Squirrel quite happily
eating the reheated remains of the previous night’s kebab. Wes headed home
after the footie to recuperate before a night out. Ricky Organ returned from
Nice and spent the evening with Jayne. Squirrel headed to Fallowfield and the
Great Central where he was joined by Morning and Wes. After a few quiet ones,
some more quiet ones followed in the Friendship, before tequila time was
announced by entry to XS, where they again met Becky. Many drinks later saw
Morning heading home, and at throwing out time there was mingerville.
Sunday 15th February
– A quiet non drinking day saw lots of football, and a strangely upbeat Sunday
night film in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Monday 16th February
– Squirrel sneaked off to Chorley for a date, and elsewhere the normal lounging
thing was taking place.
Tuesday 17th February
– G Man was hiding in his room with Amanda, The Chemist and Hopalong were out,
presumed at the gym, and hours of MTV.
Wednesday 18th
February – After 5-a-side, Ricky Organ, G Man, Dancing and Turkish met up in
the Dog and Partridge for a few quiet ones to watch the England game.
Thursday 19th
February – Ricky Organ’s parents made an appearance and in a bid to fool the
masses, he took some bottles to the bottle bank. G Man was out presumed with
Amanda. Can’t believe Spiderman was the film of the evening.
Ricky Organ – Is MC Hammer an MC?
Ricky Organ – I’ve worked in a gym, and they’re right thick
bastards that work there.
Blondie (Looking out of the window overlooking Lincoln
Square) – No way is that saddo drawing a picture of Albert Lincoln.
Seeks (Talking about his elastic
band ball) – It’s like the child I never had. (Editor’s Note – This was
before it was kidnapped)
Blondie – I had a prawn curry last night and it was minging.
It was really fishy.
Hopalong – You know if you have a mouse on your computer,
what if you have more? Are they mouses or mice?
General mumbling – Mice
Hopalong – So if you have more than one sheep what do you
call them? Sheeps?
Ricky Organ – No, just Sheep.
Hopalong – What about Fish, that’s the same.
Squirrel – Fishes
Hopalong – Ha fishes, it’s fish.
Ricky Organ – 5 loaves and 2 fishes.
Squirrel – That’s what I was thinking.
Hopalong – Where’s that from?
Ricky Organ – The Bible
Hopalong - Yeah, but Jesus was a complete retard, it’s fish
20th February - I know you may have
heard these words before, but the rumours are that it’s going to be a taking it
easy night. Especially as Squirrel will need to behave a little bit more than
21st February – Casino (Viva Las Vegas) night at Dickie Boy’s, for some reason
save as many 10p pieces as possible
22nd February – A Sunday night film, plus a bit of football watching, unless
there is something wrong with the Chez Didsbury TV
23rd – Tuesday 24th February – More football, and not a lot else
25th February – Hit the Bar Vs Ashton Athletic
26th February – Thank the stars this is before Squirrel’s pay day.
27th February – Unfortunately this is not, but there’s also a party
at Amanda’s, which could obviously get messy.
28th February – However, it couldn’t possibly get as messy as this. It’s the
Surerandomality day out doing the Didsbury Dozen (plus a couple more), cue
29th February – Tuesday 2nd March – Recovery from the above
3rd March – Hit the Bar Vs Expotel
4th March – 5th Ave anyone?
of the Fortnight – Squirrel, Back to back star man performances, and a
successful date. He’s been replaced by a new model hasn’t he?
of the Fortnight – Justin. Granted we’ve not seen sight or sound of him
recently, but he deserves the title anyway.
of the Fortnight – G Man. Does it really need any further explanation?
people, yet again you have proved beyond a living doubt that there is not one
single one person out there that could be classified as Mr or Mrs Current
Affairs. A half blind dyslexic chimpanzee suffering from Alzheimer’s would make
more sense than you, and while I’m on that topic. Ethel our esteemed post room
lady is now beginning to stink. I asked Peaches to do something about her, but
was just told she wasn’t a bloody witch doctor. I really must get a doctor in
here soon. Anyway, all bets are off as the letters start.
up is a Doreen Titmuss, who moans, "I can’t believe you published a letter
complaining about a letter complaining, about a letter complaining, about a
letter complaining, about a letter complaining, about a letter complaining,
about a letter complaining about not being included for complaining, it’s gone
far beyond the stage where it’s a joke. Stop this insanity now" It’s
people like you that keeps things like this going, if you didn’t write in, then
it wouldn’t continue, would it my pedigree chum.
week’s foreign correspondence comes from a Manheim Friedfeld, from Hannover,
Germany, with this witty ditty, “Für was hat er ein Tee der gemütlich ist auf
seinem Kopf? Wir besprechen Franky "ich habe ein Problem mit Spielen"
fickend Vier Finger Doug. Wo ist der Stein? Nehmen Sie ein pisst? Dann vermute
ich wir sind ermordet, bevor wir das Gebäude verlassen, und wir sind zu den
Schweinen zugeführt. Wenn alle Wetten ab sind kann, dort kein Geld kann nicht
dort sein? Ich ficke nicht Kaufen das.” No people, I didn’t and you didn’t
(with the exception of Austrian Kol) understand a single word of what he just
Casey Bush, from New Orleans, Louisiana, write and confesses, “One night I got
really drunk with some friends and ended up having anal sex with my best
friends girlfriend. The worse part is he thought she was a virgin. I will
always think of her as my brown eye girl.” That’s probably a little bit more
information than we really needed to know.
up is an Ann-marie Robson, from Heaton Chapel, Manchester, who complains, “I
couldn’t believe that the last issue of Surerandomality didn’t have the next
part of the story. It’s always the first bit I look for and after a fortnight
of anticipation I get to the section to find “unfortunately missing in action this week, as I
really don’t have time to type up what I’ve written”. Please don’t do this
again, as I need to know what happens next.” You’re not the only one, it’s a
big a mystery to me as it is to you what’s going to happen next.
in response to Sam Cooke’s (wasn’t he still a soul star?) letter, a Cork &
Kerry Mountains (have we moved onto Thin Lizzy now?) add, “We found massive
crème egg that had 6 yokes in it, that’s got to be better than a double yoker.
We found it in a six pack that we’d left out in the sun one afternoon.” You are
a pair of yokers aren’t you? Cos god help us if you’re not.
it for the letters for this year, BUT there will be more in two weeks time.
BUT, only if you’re lucky.
The voice came from all around him,
“Mayday indeed. Don’t you find it strange that a traditional English Holiday is
used for a term that indicates that there is trouble ahead?”
He opened his mouth to speak, but
was cut off before he could. “Please don’t answer, let me continue. You see
after all, it’s not really that strange. Mayday was actually taken from a pagan
ceremony that involved singing and dancing as an offering so that their crops
would grow without trouble that year. Yet it was then taken by Christian
farmers to celebrate the end of the planting season, and yet here we are
centuries using it a word to get help so that trouble may be avoided.”
“Anyway enough of me pontificating,
as you may be able to guess, there will be no white knights on steeds coming to
the aid of the damsel in distress, or even yourself for that matter. You see,
all frequencies to and from this particular plane are directed to myself only.
With all the money and time I’ve spent on these plans to get you all together,
I wasn’t going to chance that one of you would do what you’ve just managed once
all the crew was dead.”
“I can see that you are disturbed by
the dismissal of my staff in such a manner, but for what I’ve planned, no one
else must be allowed to know the whole plan, and certainly no group of people
should be allowed to piece things together. The only ones that will know
everything will be yourselves when it is all over, and by then it won’t matter
who knows.”
He glanced anxiously at the controls
in the cockpit, and yet again the voice picked up on what he was looking at.
“Don’t worry about the controls, this is the most sophisticated and largest
radio controlled plane ever built, though satellite controlled would be a more
accurate phrase. I have a team here that will bring that plane in under greater
control than if the pilots were still alive.”
“So, why kill all the staff in the
air, “ he finally managed to get out. “Surely there would have been better
opportunities, with less shock and gore.”
The voice laughed softly before
starting again, “Always the one with the questions aren’t you. I really do
wonder what was different with you. There really is no logical reason why all
the effort and work didn’t take the same in you, as it did in the rest of your
fellow passengers.”
“Didn’t you realise that’s what
happened to you five years ago? Everyone on this plane was taken to rooms
similar to the one you obviously remember. You all had, what was then, the most
advanced silicon implants placed into the base of you skulls. Along with this
came an intense course of subliminal impressioning to mould the way you would
act in the future. You were effectually programmed to do certain items of work
in your respective fields and to be in certain places at certain times.”
“There were safety measures put into
the implants. They were designed to keep your features the same. Although the
programming was felt to be infallible, and set along side the implants, I had
to safeguard against the slightest chance that one of you would find out that
you’d been programmed, and did something to escape the fate laid out for you.
Therefore part of the implant helped to control such items as hair growth and
metabolism rate. If anyone tried to change their hair to alter their appearance,
or lost or put on weight, then the implant would kick in. In your case, and the
rest of the males, the need to shave stopped, so that you couldn’t grow beards
or moustaches. If some one had a shift in weight then the implant would kick in
and alter the metabolism rate to combat the change. It also stopped hair
growth, and made the hair grow in a particular way. If it was changed, then the
implant would kick in, and in less than 24 hours the appearance would be back
to how it was before the change. Not only that, but the programming stressed
happiness to all of you about the way you look and was set up to stop you from
changing your appearance.”
“In the five years since we
implanted and programmed you, only one person has attempted to change the way they
look at all. Obviously I don’t need to add that that person was you, and your
attempts to change your hairstyle, almost as if you were experimenting with it.
You are like the single piece that doesn’t fit. There is no one that has been
involved in this project that understands just what it is about you that allows
the level of deviation from the programming seen in you.”
In what surely must be a format nicked from Bravo, sees Sky One have the lunacy that stands as Britain’s Hardest man. With bloater, and soap hard man Steve McFadden (Phil Mitchell) as narrator, and the Geordie British Ultimate Fighting Champion (which basically means he gets his ass kicked outside Britain) as referee, it lines up six so called Hard Men each week who through a series of ridiculous tests, are eliminated until there is only one. First up this week was the smash through the door test. Lined up are six doors made of wood and corrugated cardboard, which by any means necessary they must break through in the quickest time possible. Two of these Hard Men didn’t even manage to get through the first door, but were saved from elimination by the lunatic who used his head to break through the last door, and was subsequently carted off to hospital with concussion. Next up was the keep the car at bay test, where a car with no brakes was on the back of a tow truck, and they had to keep it there for the longest time as the bed of the tow truck was lowered. Then comes the holding your breath test, as a tank of water is gradually filled with water, and they have to stay with their head in the tank for the longest time possible before pulling the emergency chain to let the water out, and breath back in. This was obviously not in the training plan for one of the poor unfortunates on this show as, as soon as the water got to his mouth you could see the panic on his face, and he pulled the chain while he was still able to breath normally. Next up is the make a car shorter test, where they had to make a car small enough to push under a metal girder, and they all went for the sledgehammer beat the fuck out of the car and jump on the roof technique, some more successfully than others. It does beg the question of why none of them slashed all the fucking tyres. Then down to two it a fight to push your opponent off a round platform twice out of three attempts. This is somewhat reduced as a spectacle, by not allowing any head shots, no kicked, use of knees or elbows and no head butting. Not only that but no knives or shooters either. Leading to all in wrestling, and a shoving contest. The winner went to the final, and unfortunately Steve was back mumbling on our screens, you just know they wanted Vinnie Jones to do it instead.
Over 2500 left-handed people a year
are killed using products made for right-handed people
Rice is grown on more than 10
percent of the earth's arable surface
During 1520 to 1630 there were
over 30,000 werewolf trials in France
The first vacuum flask was made by
Sir James Dewar in 1892
The first drinking straw was
designed by Marvin Chester Stone in 1886
The first Microwave oven was
developed by Percy Spencer in 1945
Jewry Wall
This impressive Roman wall and
site of the Roman public baths is the largest surviving wall in Britain. The
wall itself was the dividing wall between the Roman baths and the exercise hall
that would have stood where St. Nicholas Church stands today.
It is unknown as to the where the
name for the wall came from , but it is thought that there are two likely
explanations. 1. That it was named after
a community of Jews that used to live in the town until 1250 when they
were expelled by the town charter brought in by Simon de Montfort, 6th
Earl of Leicester. 2. It was associated with the wailing wall in Jerusalem,
which was the only surviving wall of the great Jewish temple that was destroyed
by the Romans.
The ruins as they are laid out
today were excavated during the 1930’s, and were at the time thought to have
been the forum / marketplace of the Roman town. However the forum / marketplace
has since been found to have lay underneath where St. Nicholas Circle is today.
It was then found that the ruins were in fact the public baths, and the layout
of these can be seen when looking at the ruins from a raised view. The baths
themselves would have been in the style of what Turkish baths are like rather
than the swimming pool style we know today.
At ground level next to the ruins
is the Jewry Wall museum, which houses the Leicestershire archaeological
collection, with pieces from prehistoric times right through to medieval times.
The upper level(s) of the building houses Vaughan College, the adult education
part of Leicester University.
– 1951 – Kevin Keegan
– 1996 – Bob Paisley
– 1924 – IBM corporation founded.
– 1929 – St Valentine’s day Massacre, 7 Gangsters killed in Chicago
– 1978 – 1st Micro chip patented by Texas Instruments
– In Bulgaria it’s Viticulturists’ Day
Day – St Valentine
– 1958 – Ice T
– 1912 – Edgar Evans (One of Scott’s unfortunate South Pole Party)
– 1959 – Fidel Castro took power in Cuba
– 1970 – Joe Frazier becomes world heavyweight champion
– In Lithuania it’s independence day
Day – St Elias
This issue’s verse from the good
news bible is John 3:16
For god loved the world so much
that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but
have eternal life.
As opposed to the version of Austin
3:16 “I’m going to open a can of Whoop-ass on you”.
Devised by Ambrose Bierce, the
Demon’s (or Devil’s) Dictionary, gives a more cynical view of the definition of
words. Each time I shall be including one entry from it.
Perhaps, Possibly
First up the answer to the last competition, There are 527,040 minutes are there in a leap year. The winner of a Stopwatch is a Olive Ong, from Oxford, Oxfordshire. Meanwhile this fortnight's quiz is as follows, who is the only person to appear in films based on screenplays by both Guy Ritchie and Quentin Tarentino? The first correct answer out of the hat on Wednesday 3rd March wins a copy of the pulp fiction screenplay.
As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car
phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him,
"Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way
on Route 280. Please be careful!" "It's not just one car," said
Herman, "It's hundreds of them!"
A wife shows her husband a silk handkerchief and asks him,
"Doesn't this belong to your secretary?" "Where did you find
that?" he stutters. "I didn't," she answers. "The mailman
found it on your night-stand."
Yesterday, scientists for Health Canada suggested that men
should take a look at their beer consumption, considering the results of a
recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer. The
theory is that drinking beer makes men turn into women. To test the finding,
100 men were fed 6 pints of beer each. It was then observed that 100% of the
men gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became overly
emotional, couldn't drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing, and
refused to apologize when wrong. No further testing is planned.
A woman walks into a restaurant and sits down. As she bends
down to reach into her purse for her wallet, she farts loudly with the waiter
right behind her. She sits abruptly back up, glares at the waiter and shouts
Stop that! To which the waiter replies, Sure, which way did it go?
The big time hunter walked in the bar and bragged to
everyone about his hunting skills. The man was undoubtedly a good shot and no
one could dispute that. But then he said that they could blindfold him and he
would recognize any animal's skin from its feel, and if he could locate the
bullet hole he would even tell them what calibre the bullet was that killed the
animal. The hunter said that he was
willing to prove it if they would put up the drinks, and so the bet was on.
They blindfolded him carefully and took him to his first animal skin. After feeling it for a few moments, he
announced "Bear." Then he
felt the bullet hole and declared, "Shot with a .308 rifle." He was right. They brought him another skin, one that someone had in their car
trunk. He took a bit longer this time
and then said, "Elk, Shot with a Mag rifle. He was right again. Through the night, he proved his skills
again and again, every time against a round of drinks. Finally he staggered home, drunk out of his
mind, and went to sleep. The next morning he got up and saw in the mirror that
he had one hell of a shiner. He said to
his wife, "I know I was drunk last night, but not drunk enough to get in a
fight and not remember it. Where did I get this black eye?" His wife
angrily replied, "I gave it to you. You got into bed and put your hand
down my panties. Then you fiddled around a while and loudly announced, "Skunk, killed with an axe."
What's Dwight Yorke & The Israeli Army got in common?
Neither of them pulled out of Jordan.
Two sharks are swimming in the Mediterranean eating muscles,
one says to the other: "I'm bored of these muscles, fancy going Morecambe
for a Chinese?"
Cockle pickers wages are to rise to £2 per hour to enable
them to keep their heads above water.
Police have found 18 pairs of shoes in Morecambe bay, they
were all winkle pickers.
Why can’t you get served in a Chinese restaurant in
Morecambe......because they are waiting for the staff to wash up
Due to recent bad weather Morecambe council have reviewed
their sea defences after they found several chinks in their harbour wall.
One of the Chinese at Morecambe phoned his mum on a mobile
before he drowned, she asked where are you ringing from, he replied from the
waist downwards!
Police have named 5 of the victims who died at Morecambe Bay
at the weekend. They are, 1. Way Ding, 2.
Drow Ning, 3. Sin King, 4. Lef Too Dy, and 5. Ty Dis Hi
They misheard the boss when he said stop cockle picking when
the water gets to knee high, NEE HI WAS WAITING IN THE VAN
What's the difference between the tide and immigration
officers? At least the tide catches the bastards!
New entry into the Chinese charts, straight in at number
1... The Tide Is High (but I'm holding on)
Because of the recent success of the Chinese cockle-picking
trip, it has been decided to open up the trip to Turks, Afghans and Iraqis.
Police have named 2 more of the Chinese cockle pickers, Lin
Tu Deep, Swim Lo, Fuk en Nippy and Mee Cants Wim
Jordan and Peter Andre are having sex in the jungle when
they hear a noise. Jordan says 'Is that Johnny Rotten?' Peter answers 'I
fucking hope not, its the only one I've got!
How did the blonde die raking leaves? She fell out of the
A father asked his son, Little Johnny, if he knew about the
birds and the bees. "I don't want to know!" Little Johnny said,
bursting into tears. Confused, his father asked Little Johnny what was wrong.
"Oh Pop," Johnny sobbed, "For me there was no Santa Claus at age
six, no Easter Bunny at seven, and no Tooth Fairy at eight. And if you're
telling me now that grownups don't really have sex, I've got nothing left to
believe in!"
An office exec was interviewing a blonde for an assistant
position, and wanted to find out a little about her personality. "If you
could have a conversation with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?"
"I'd have to say the living one."
A Husband Shopping Centre has opened in Atlanta, where a
woman can go to choose from among many men to be her husband. It is laid out in
five floors, with the men increasing in positive attributes as you ascend.
There is, however, a catch. You're only allowed in once. Once you open the door
to any floor, you must choose a man from that floor. If you go up a floor, you
can't go back down except to exit the building. So, a woman goes to the
shopping centre to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door
says: Floor 1: These men have jobs and love kids. The woman reads the sign.
"Well, that's better than not having jobs, or not loving kids, but I
wonder what's further up?" So up she goes. The second floor sign says:
Floor 2: These men have high-paying jobs, love kids and are extremely
good-looking. "Hmmm, better," says the woman. "But I wonder
what's further up?" The third floor sign reads: Floor 3: These men have
high-paying jobs, love kids, are extremely good-looking and help with the
housework. "Wow," says the woman, "very tempting. BUT, there's
more further up!" And so again, she goes up. On the fourth floor the sign
reads: Floor 4: These men have high-paying jobs, love kids, are extremely
good-looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak.
"Oh, mercy me." (That's how women talk in Georgia) "But just
think... what must be awaiting me further up?" So up to the fifth floor
she goes. The sign on that door says: Floor 5: This floor is just to prove that
women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping.
A man goes to his doctor and says, 'Doctor, Doctor, please
help me! I've got a problem.' The doctor examines the man and finds the man has
a red ring around his penis. The doctor gives him an ointment to rub on the
problem area. 'It's all cleared up!' the man reports when he returns. ''But
what was that medication you gave me? ''Lipstick remover.'
There was a tourist on a farm and he asked the farmer why
one pig had a wooden leg. The farmer said, 'That pig is the bravest pig I ever
saw.' 'So why does he have a wooden leg?'' the tourist asked. 'Well one night
our house caught on fire. And he came into our house and he woke us all up.'
'So,' the tourist asked again, 'why does that pig have a wooden leg?' 'Well, a
pig that brave you can't eat all at once!'
Q. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a
hooker? A. A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again.
Q. What's the height of conceit? A. Having an orgasm and
calling out your own name.
Q. What's the definition of macho? A. Jogging home from your
Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball?
A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball.
Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex? A. They
spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick.
Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? A. They
both like a tight seal.
Q: What's the difference between purple and pink? A. The
Q. How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony? A. It's
not hard.
Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly? A: Kick his sister in
the jaw.
Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact? A:
Breasts don't have eyes.
Q: If the dove is the bird of peace, what is the bird of
true love? A. The swallow.
An ugly man walks into his local pub with a big grin on his
face. "What are you so happy about?" Asks the barman. "Well,
I'll tell you," replies the ugly man. "You know, I live by the
railway. Well, on my way home last night, I noticed a young woman tied to the
tracks, like in the movies. I, of course, went and cut her free and took her
back to my place. Anyway, to make a long story short, I scored big time! We
made love all night, all over the house. We did everything, me on top,
sometimes her on top, every position imaginable!" "Fantastic!"
exclaimed the barman. "You lucky guy. Was she pretty?" Dunno...Never
found the head
A man who was born, reared, and educated in New York took a
job in Mississippi after college. He liked Mississippi so much that he stayed,
married, and had a family. When his widowed father retired, he invited him to
move to a nice retirement community near him. His father, tired of the cold New
York winters, decided to give it a try. After a month of living in the
retirement community, he and his son were having dinner together and the son
asked, "Dad, how do you like living in the South after all those years in
New York?" "Well, son," he replied. "I like it a lot. The
people are really friendly and everyone seems to have a nickname. For instance,
Tom is called "The Mechanic" by everyone in spite of the fact that it
has been over 20 years since he has worked on a car. Bill has not practiced
medicine for at least 15 years, but everyone still calls him "Doc."
"So, Dad, do you have a nickname?" "Yes, I do. Even though I
have not had sex in the 10 years since your mother died, everyone refers to me
as that "Fucking Yankee."
A new addition, check out the
details on these on offer people below. If you want to contact any of these
good individuals or place an ad yourself then please check out the contact
details in the contact information at the end of this issue.
Cockney sparrow, attractive
female, mid 40’s, 5ft 6, medium build, with GCH, lots of various interests,
WLTM, a genuine tall, well hung, attractive male with GSOH, N/S, 43-50 for a
friendship / possible relationship.
Young 74, Jewish Lady, slim, no
ties or scarfs, seeks a gentleman to share happy times.
Sensual attractive female, 19, 5ft 3, blonde hair, brown eyes, black box, enjoys clubbing and is always up for a good time, seeks male.
Professional Asian male, own
house, car and shop, seeks a female, 35-50 for a relationship and possible
serving job.
Retired company executive, OPAC,
fit, active and on solvents, seeks a lady for companionship and LTR, and a
slapper for some rude sex.
Attractive male, 21, 6ft, seeking
an attractive older female, medium build, brown hair, GCH, and own teeth
time it’s the chart from this week in 1981
Joe Dolce Music Theatre - Shaddup You Face
Ultravox - Vienna
John Lennon - Woman
Rainbow - I Surrender
Madness - The Return of the Los Palmas Seven
Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight
Fred Wedlock - The Oldest Swinger In Town
Motorhead / Girlschool - St Valentine's Day Massacre (EP)
Stray Cats - Rock This Town
Roxy Music - Jealous Guy
first of this time’s two number ones comes from this week in 1969
Corner – (If Paradise is) Half as Nice – Immediate IM 081, Written by Battisti
& Fishman
by Andy Fairweather-Low, Amen paradise had had reasonable chart success in the
late sixties, this chart topper was there first release for their new record
label Immediate. Hitting number one in it’s third week on the chart it stayed
at number one for two weeks during the main period of psychedelia.
second of this time’s two number ones comes from this week in 1996
Zoo – Spaceman – EMI CDEM 416, Written by Jas Mann.
Zoo was Jas Mann, who played all the instruments for this chart topper as well
as providing vocals. It came straight into the charts at number one and stayed
there for five weeks on the back of yet another Levi’s advertising campaign.
Had a couple of minor hits after and then faded away. Hit at a time when it was
still unusual for a new act to come straight into the chart at number one.
issue’s artist impression has been replaced by a rant at the recently revealed
MTV Base top 22 MC’s of all time. Obviously voted for by the under 20’s, with
the occasional adult vote, you could see that things were going to get messy,
when first up at number 22 was Chuck D. As the list went on, it became clear
that the people who did the voting failed to realise the difference between MC,
and rap icons. Not only that but on two occasions groups had made it into the
top ten. Just a note for future reference, an MC is a single person, and groups
are made up of two or more MC’s. Granted with the two groups in question, Run
DMC, and the Beastie Boys work by not having any single individual as a stand
out vocalist, and would grace any top 22 hip hop / rap act list, but that
wasn’t what was being voted on. Anyway, the top ten in reverse order, with
critical comments. 10. Missy Elliott. Granted someone I’d consider as number 2
female MC, and would hit my own top 22, but not top 10 material. 9. Beastie
Boys. See previously my comments about groups. 8. Lil Kim. An absolute fucking
disgrace, she wouldn’t even get into a top 10 female list. Couldn’t rap her way
out of one of her tiny little outfits. 7. Dre. The all time number one hip hop
/ rap producer, but as a rapper, he was fifth choice in NWA for crying out
loud. 6. Rakim. Another travesty, but for a different reason, see my top 10. 5.
Jay Z, another who reaches my own top ten but not this high. 4. Nas. A less talented
blueprint on the Jay Z thing, might scrape into my top 22 at a push. 3. Eminem.
Hype gets the number 3 spot, though to be fair is good lyrically, and has a
unique style, though hasn’t suffered any from Dre production! 2. Notorious BIG.
Famous for being shot and P Diddy’s mate, not bad, but not number 2 in this or
any other lifetime. Which leaves 1. 2pac. I’ll try to keep this short. Number 1
for being a style icon. A dancer in Digital Underground, and not allowed near a
mic. Was out rapped by Dre on California Love, and you’ve already seen what I
think of his rapping. Decent actor. Crap rapper.
after a little to do, the proper top ten and why.
Rakim. The master, plain and simple, the guide for everyone who came after, and
the innovator of the whole scene. Unique voice and delivery. The most sampled
man in rap, for good reason.
Chuck D. The voice of public enemy, distinctive style, and political content
that had everyone running scared.
Melle Mel. The voice of original hip hop, as leader of Grandmaster Flash’s
furious five, brought social commentary to a rap scene that had only had
boasting contests.
Big Daddy Kane. The smoothest man alive, with the fastest delivery you ever
heard and understood.
Ice T. Years ahead, introduced gangster rap 5 years before the public wanted to
hear it.
Erick Sermon. Part of EPMD, and the most laid back delivery style imaginable.
LL Cool J. Nearly twenty years of being at the top, managing to stay with the
scene and remain individual.
Eminem. Will he be on this list in 5 years, probably, will he get higher?
Probably not.
Roxanne Shante. The original and best female MC. One second and the voice is
there, no mistaking her.
Jay Z. Deceptive delivery, and amazing writing style. Quantity sometimes
diminishes quality.
Here’s what’s been worrying the
neighbours in the last fortnight.
Franz Ferdinand – Take me out (back
Fatman Scoop Vs Rob Base – It takes
two / scoop.
2 Many DJ’s – As heard on radio
soulwax all volumes and the hang all DJ’s mixes.
Well, it finally happened, and
there is a new leader, unfortunately it’s that cock again, and haven’t we all
heard about it. It is every citizen’s duty to go out and shoot Dodd, Sorensen,
Van Nistlerooy, Lampard and Terry, to prevent the abomination of the Cherokee
Hair Tampons from winning the league.
Position |
Team |
Points |
1st |
Cherokee Hair Tampons |
1204 |
2nd |
Molineux Misfits |
1152 |
3rd |
Chelle's Allstars |
1141 |
4th |
Tip Top Team |
1121 |
5th |
Shhoooooottt!!! Again |
1103 |
6th |
Seek'em & Destroy |
1102 |
7th |
The Arsenal Arse Bandits |
1052 |
8th |
Wednesday Wannabes |
1044 |
9th |
Full Gun Lollipops |
1044 |
10th |
Magpie City FC |
1034 |
11th |
Westside XI |
1008 |
12th |
Nic |
990 |
13th |
Sneaky Fucking Chelsea Russians |
979 |
14th |
Shit or Bust |
953 |
15th |
Reigning 3rd Placers |
948 |
16th |
Requiem For A Team |
937 |
17th |
No use for a name |
916 |
18th |
Russian Gold |
912 |
19th |
Andy |
907 |
20th |
The World's Smallest Violin |
893 |
21st |
Owen |
882 |
22nd |
MUP(pet)S |
878 |
23rd |
Nez |
768 |
24th |
The Unidumpers |
725 |
25th |
Robo's So Solid Army |
611 |
26th |
Whipping Boys |
559 |
Upto and Including 15th February |
Sunday February 8th
In a
top of the table clash Hit the Bar were up against another of the old foes,
Dehulberto La Cortina. With a man advantage and their recent good form, it was
thought that HTB could spring a victory, and with the scores level at half time
at 3 apiece and the Dehulberto boys looking tired it seemed that it might be
on. An early second half goal saw them take the lead, but they were deflated
when Dehulberto equalised straight from the kick-off. Another couple of goals
saw HTB trailing 6-4 halfway through the second half when eventually one of the
new boy Hew’s pile drivers dragged them back to 6-5, however another Dehulberto
goal saw them shut up shop and the match end in a disappointing 7-5 defeat.
– Not bad, not brilliant either, made some tidy stops, but had no chance with a
couple of the goals - 7
Man – Probably his worst ever performance, failed to score and never really got
into his game and second half own goal summed up the performance - 5
Organ – Not in the sharpest of form, a steady if unspectacular performance saw
him grab a first half goal - 6
– Some decent tackles, but let down by poor distribution - 6
– Not a bad debut, ran and tackled well and combined with team mates to good
effect, got a decent goal to net the -
– A hat trick in the normal kind of performance, was another that wasn’t at the
pinnacle of his game, and let himself down with some pretty blatant fouls. - 7
Wednesday February 11th
This match against unknown quantity Vasko de Gatley was never going to be easy. Hit The Bar were down to the bare bones for the second time in three games, with Dancing coming in for G-Man (who was busy watching his premiership side's title chances fade) and Hew off busy doing whatever it is that he does. Vasko meanwhile had six keen young lads ready to play, along with one other of questionable gender. The game started well for HTB but, after some early chances were wasted, they found themselves one down against the run of play. However, some fine work from Nez and Ricky Organ produced a few great goals and, thanks to some fantastic keeping, HTB went in at half-time with a healthy lead. The ref was in no mood to hang around and the second half began with HTB struggling to stand unaided. An increasingly tired HTB struggled to hold on but managed to keep their noses in front thanks to some timely strikes from Dancing. As the end of the match approached, HTB showed their tactical awareness by utilising Squirrel in goal as much as possible and frustrating the opposition's attempts to get back into the game. A well-fought 9-6 victory justified HTB's second place in the league.
Player Ratings:
Squirrel - When Ashford and Simpson sang "And now it's solid (Oh), Solid as a rock" they surely must have been inspired by Hit The Bar's keeper. A string of outstanding saves in the first half and an accomplished second half display led one member of Vasko to conclude, "he's like a brick wall", albeit with a layer of moss growing on top. A match-saving performance earns him SURERANDOMALITY STARMAN - 9
Ricky Organ - Some excellent interplay with Nez in the first half helped HTB established the cushion that they needed. More provider than finisher yet he also claimed one for himself. Drifted in and out of the game in the second half, but would more often than not be available to receive possession from Squirrel when the rest were marked/knackered - 8
Nez - The other half of the early goal-scoring partnership, he deservedly added three well-taken goals to his tally. Some excellent periods of play but tired rapidly and was only a shadow of his usual self in the second half. However, he blocked, battled and tackled when it counted - 8
Dancing - A non-descript first half with a hat-trick of missed one-on-ones with the keeper, although a superb goal from a strike from within his own half redeemed him slightly. By the second half he had more stitches than Frankenstein's monster but always seemed to score when HTB needed them most and added an excellent hat-trick, this time of the right kind, to his first half goal - 8
Owen - Like the others, he faded in and out of the match. Did some excellent work in holding the ball up early on and played some intelligent passes. Scored a corker in the first half but then had to concentrate on defence in the second, and did a fine job too. A solid display - 8
Wednesday February 18th
A strangely subdued build-up preceded this clash against tough-tackling, and bottom-of-the-league, Inter Pie and Chips. For the second time in two weeks a team was only just scraped together, with G-Man and Turkish back in action but Nez unable to make the early start. Hit The Bar don't take no shit from nobody these days and point blank refused Pie and Chips' pre-kick off request to have more than the one permitted keeper swap. The game got underway at a steady tempo, but with neither side finishing well. At 1-1 the game was starting to become more open, and Hit The Bar's defence was developing more holes than a packet of Polos. As the shots rained in on Squirrel, he embarked upon a remarkable display of shot stopping and kept HTB in the game as they went in at half-time only 5-3 down. HTB have never claimed they are fit enough to play a full game with only five, and this was the case as they tired rapidly in the second half. A couple of attempts at a spirited comeback were thwarted each time by Pie and Chips scoring a couple of outstanding long-range goals. The final result: 14-8 to the bad guys.
Player Ratings
Squirrel - closely resembling a flipper on a pinball machine, there was a period of play when anything hit goal-bound would just come bouncing straight back out. Unfortunately as the game wore on, the ball kept going down that little back chute which the flipper is powerless to stop. A great display and SURERANDOMALITY STARMAN - 8
Dancing - some great displays of dribbling but all of them ineffectual as he invariably left the ball behind. Some good shots that the keeper saved well but overall disappointing. His misery was complete when the ball rebounded off Squirrel and then off him, and into his own net. - 6
G-Man - bursts of energy and good tackling were interspersed with some average play. Will be pleased to add five goals to his tally but if the result's not there, it takes the shine off the performance. He's played better, but then he's played worse - 7
Turkish - suffered from the lack of an available sub more than most but his spirit was good. Too often in the first half he became isolated up front but the second half saw a more team-oriented and determined display. Scored one but perhaps should have added a couple more - 6
Ricky Organ - was involved in a couple of nice passing
moves and finished a couple of them off with goals. However he too tired
rapidly and often came off second best in the tackle. Didn't really seem up for
this one but will undoubtedly be back to his best next week against Ashton - 6
Chart. Nez 19, G
Man 18, Dancing 10, Ricky Organ 9, The Chemist 4, Owen 2, Hew 1, Turkish 1
Team |
P |
GA |
8 |
8 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
36 |
0 |
24 |
8 |
5 |
3 |
0 |
74 |
63 |
0 |
15 |
8 |
5 |
3 |
0 |
85 |
87 |
0 |
15 |
8 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
45 |
57 |
0 |
10 |
8 |
3 |
5 |
0 |
68 |
69 |
0 |
9 |
7 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
59 |
62 |
0 |
7 |
7 |
2 |
5 |
0 |
46 |
63 |
0 |
6 |
8 |
2 |
6 |
0 |
47 |
87 |
0 |
6 |
25/02/2004 Ashton Athletic 9:00
03/03/2004 Expotel 10:00 PM
10/03/2004 The Team With No Name 9:00 PM
17/03/2004 Dehulberto La Cortina 10:00
24/03/2004 Parrswood Old Boys 9:00
31/03/2004 Vasko De Gatley 7:00
Founded |
1886 |
Turned Professional |
1891 |
Admitted to the
League |
1893 |
Previous Names |
Dial Square, Royal
Arsenal, Woolwich Arsenal |
Nickname (s) |
Gunners, Scum |
Ground |
Highbury |
Capacity |
38,500 |
Previous Grounds |
Plumstead Common,
Sportsman Ground, Manor Ground, Invicta Ground |
Seasons in Each Division |
1 |
87 |
2 |
13 |
3 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
Trophies |
League Champions |
1930-31, 1932-33,
1933-34, 1934-35, 1937-38, 1947-48, 1952-53, 1970-71, 1988-89, 1990-91,
1997-98, 2001-02 |
FA Cup |
1930, 1936, 1950,
1971, 1979, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2003 |
League Cup |
1987, 1993 |
Charity Shield |
UEFA Cup |
1970 |
Cup Winners Cup |
1994 |
Synopsis –
Founding |
Founded by
two ex Nottingham Forest players (where they got the red jerseys from) at the
Dial Square works of the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich in 1886. They changed
their name to Woolwich Arsenal in 1891 and became a member of Division 2 two
years later. They wormed their way from their south London home to a new
ground in North London, and dropped the Woolwich from there name, thanks to a
large (possibly illegal) influx of cash from mystery investors. |
- Major Events |
in the second division they got promoted to the top flight, but quick
relegation. After bribing their way back into the top flight just after the
first world war they have managed to remain there ever since. They were the
team of the 1930’s and were always in with a chance of winning trophies. They
became the fourth club to win the double in 1971. |
Synopsis -
Recent times |
George Graham in the late eighties and early nineties they became boring
boring Arsenal, and won a couple of league titles, and then under Arsene
Wenger they have become the main rivals to Manchester United and won they’re
second double in 1998. However due to a curious affliction, their manager
says that he “didn’t see it” about any of their triumphs. |
Synopsis -
Strange facts. |
They hold
the record for the longest unbroken spell in the top flight. They are the
only club to have bribed their way to promotion, despite finishing 4 places
outside the promotion places the previous season. They were the second club
to achieve a hat trick of consecutive League titles. They were the 4th
club and 2nd in the 20th century to record the league
and FA Cup double, and the 2nd to do it twice. |
Premier League Record. (upto the end of the 2002-2003 season) |
Home |
Away |
P |
W |
D |
L |
GF |
GA |
W |
D |
L |
GF |
GA |
Pts |
430 |
129 |
54 |
32 |
396 |
180 |
89 |
65 |
61 |
287 |
208 |
773 |
Finished each year of the Premiership |
92-93 |
93-94 |
94-95 |
95-96 |
96-97 |
97-98 |
98-99 |
99-00 |
00-01 |
01-02 |
02-03 |
10th |
4th |
12th |
5th |
3rd |
1st |
2nd |
2nd |
2nd |
1st |
2nd |
fortnight we bring you a random dag from Belle Vue, and a few words of wisdom
that have been written about it.
Begerin Soot
into action but once in the swing of things he can be a force to be reckoned
with. Needs to be out and about early to figure.
top 10 songs ever as voted for by Sun Readers
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Robbie Williams - Angels
REM - Everybody hurts
John Lennon - Imagine
U2 - With or without you
Oasis - Live forever
The Jam - Going Underground
Beatles - Penny Lane
Elton John - Candle in the wind
Elvis Presley - love me tender
if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
is a very high price to pay for maturity.
you look like your passport picture you probably need the trip.
Asimov’s Law’s of Robotics
– A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human
being to be harmed.
– A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders
would conflict with the 1st law.
– A robot must protect it’s own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the 1st or 2nd law.
then added a further law to which the original three were subordinate.
– A robot may not injure humanity or through inaction, allow humanity to come
to harm.
Lard of the Manor (n).
The fat bloke who lives on your
the homepage for the website at
everything to do with the fantasy football then go to the web site at
everything to do with the 5 a Side then click on the web site at
all random facts go to
get more jokes then go to the web site at
get the full version of the main story go to the website at
get rid of the annoying pop up messages go to
and download and install the free version onto your PC.
see how many of you there are in the country go to and type in your name.
see random anonymous people make random confessions then go to and read.
To plan a pub crawl go to
and enter your planned location and let it work out a route.
NEW You gotta see the ultimate Star Wars geek’s car at
NEW See if you can do a better job than the plastic surgeons
and rebuild Jacko’s face from scratch, just click on the following link
NEW See how far you can bat a penguin. Try and beat the record
of 323.5 and send proof to me, or just send your highest scores in, and try and
get on the league table The league table
is below.
1. Ricky Organ 323.5
2. Squirrel 323.4
3=. G Man 322.9
Benjamin Rappaz
5=. Seeks 321.0
Tom 321.0
7. Dancing 319.7
8. Karen 316.7
9. Blondie 315.5
Then there is the turbo version at
The Surerandomality album has finally been pressed, the artwork has been finished, and the first copies went out in time for Christmas. In fact demand has been so great that a second run may be needed. The track listing is as follows, Spandau Ballet – Gold, Sabrina – Boys, Electric Six - Danger High Voltage!, Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows, Good Charlotte - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Tenacious D – Tribute, The Breeders - Cannonball, The Coral - Dreaming of You, Electric Six - Gay Bar, Elton John - Are you Ready for Love, TATU - All the Things She Said, Junior Senior - Move Your Feet, Skee Lo - I Wish, Blapps Posse - Don't Hold Back, Jungle Brothers - Because I Got it Like That, NWA - Express Yourself, 50 Cent - In Da Club, NERD – Lapdance, Prodigy - Out of Space, Alcazar - Crying at the Discotec. The cost is a measly £5.
Back Issues available at the very reasonable price of £1 per issue.
A bumper edition of the First year’s editions is also available at £30.
Official Rex golf balls in association with Titleist at a stunning £2 each or £20 for a box of 12.
Coming soon will be a range of T-Shirts featuring all the regular stars of Surerandomality at very reasonable prices.
Also NEW in development, Surerandomality Uncovered! A collection of the stories considered too hot to publish. Final cost to be decided, but likely to be in the region of £3.
A new section in which businesses, goods and services that have come highly recommended or have coughed up the dough to advertise, get a mention.
TAXIS. Gill’s Taxis. A small locally based firm. Contact number is 07986 800 857 or email for advance bookings on
KEBABS. Abdul’s, pick one from any of four locations along the Oxford Road / Wilmslow Road corridor.
WHORES. Pandora’s (allegedly). Above Karma in Fallowfield.
BEER. Pubs are normally good for this.
FIGHTS. Outside XS from 2.15am any Saturday or Sunday morning.
DRINKS. Besides the obvious alcoholic beverages, the recommendations are Pepsi and full fat milk.
mail contributions to
address is, PO Box 007, 57b Nevik Boulevard, Upper Little Hampton, Westmorland.
AK47 7UP.
Bombers, please address all explosive packages as “Editor – Private and
Confidential” as you wouldn’t really want any of the insignificant little
helpers to get hurt, would you?
contact anyone seen in the Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band section or to
place an ad yourself, then please write to Surerandomality’s Sgt Pepper’s
Lonely Hearts Club Band, PO Box 69, 57b Nevik Boulevard, Upper Little Hampton,
Westmorland. AK47 12IN
legal challenges should be directed to Surerandomality’s, no good to me alive
lawyers. S. Crude, P. Iston & S.C.
Harper, PO Box 666, 18 Giants Causeway, Upper Little Hampton, Westmorland, AK47
hot line 0781 645 8542.
to the following for their contributions this fortnight. Blondie, H, Dancing,
Ricky Organ, G Man, Vic, Gordon, & Seeks.
= 30
TOTAL = 1048